Siem Reap, Cambodia February 8, 2014

Siem Reap, the home of Angkor Wat, is considered a major city in Cambodia with over a million residents; however, it resembles a rural village in the U.S. with dirt side streets and only basics for sale. MANY bikes, motor bikes, motorcycles, some cars, trucks and “tuk-tuks” (open air 2-4 seater driven by bike or motorcycle) clogged the roads.

We were greeted at the brand new Shinta Mani with a refreshing drinkof carrot juice, lemon grass, oj and lime wedges before Kathy went with Mack, our guide, on an afternoon visit to Angkor Thom with its Elephant Terrace, Banyon Temple and the Terrace of the Leper King with monkeys and very steep steps.      Angkor Wat ranks as the World Heritage’s largest religious compound in the world.  The Khmer civilization flourished between the 8th and 13th centuries.  The first Europeans “discovered” it in the 19th century.

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