Real Affordable Peru 2004-2005

We arrived in Lima in the evening of the first day; but alas, Kathy’s luggage never caught up with us until the evening of Day 6!  She took it in stride and the good part was that she never had to think about what she was going to wear the following morning.

Day 2 – Miraculously my Spanish returns to me when visiting an Hispanic country.  I also follow the principle that “When in Rome, do as the Romans” which means that I started drinking coca tea to help me with altitude adjustment.  Even though Lima is on the coast of the Pacific, our journey was going to be in the Andes with 10,000 to 11,000 feet elevation gain.

Our charismatic leader’s name was Walter and he started calling me “Mom” right off the bat since I was the senior adventurer (75) of our 16 member group.  As we walked through Kennedy Square and the Plaza Principal on our way to lunch, a 72 year old man shined my shoes which are still shiny!

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