Hello and welcome

Im really excited to have a blog to supplement the fun writing Im lucky to do with Sow There! on the garden page.

My thought is to increase the dialogue I already have with many of you sharing garden tidbits, snail-smashing techniques and crafts one can do with Altoids tins.

The possibilities are endless.

I tend to receive about three or four e-mails a week after Sow There! is printed on Fridays. I love that interaction with people who share passions for gardening and the Chico community.

The newspaper only has so much space for all the opinions and ideas writers want to express. But the Internet is infinite. Im hoping I can share more of the advice and reflection from readers with the Internet community, and maybe even generate more dialogue.

As I get more Internet savvy Im hoping to be able to include more photos of the fantabulous gardens I get to explore and links to cool information that doesnt always make it into print.

My idea at this point is to use the blog to generate ideas for my Friday column. Maybe Ill figure out which inane chatter about my personal life readers think is interesting, and which things are just mindless drivel. By the end of the week Ill take the best of what evolved and use it in the printed version. In the meantime, some or all of you, can be collaborators on what makes it into ink.

Im excited, a little bit nervous, hopeful and curious about how all this will work out. I hope you enjoy the ride with me.


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