Pumpkin guts

barfingPumpkin.jpgIt’s rare and beautiful when a person feels “understood.”

Dot first started e-mailing me about three years ago when I went to Hawaii and offered in my column that I would send a postcard to any readers who sent me their address.

She requested a postcard with a nice looking Hawaiin guy not wearing a shirt. I think I obliged.

When you have a wacky sense of humor like I do, it’s nice to know there is some wacky person out there who understands it. Friends, family and significant others can provide much comfort, but its nice to know there are people who understand you outside of your close proximity.

Re: my recent post about pumpkins, Dot sent the following, bless her.

For more wacky pumkin fun, check out: http://www.extremepumpkins.com/


Now, as to pumpkin fun. I’m sure you’ve seen the attached picture making the rounds on the Internet. A few years ago I decided to try that. I saved the pumpkin guts in a bag in the fridge and carved my pumpkin in the classical way with the ‘saw blade’ grin and triangle eyes. The day after Halloween I recarved the face to make the eyes look rounder and kind of sad, and the mouth wider and more like the one in the picture. I put out newspaper on the porch and set the pumpkin on an overturned bucket and had him ‘spewing’ from there. The kid across the street thought that was the coolest thing he’d ever seen. The mailman, however, thought I was insane. No accounting for taste, eh?


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