Did you know that your cells die and are replaced by new cells? In about ten years time every cell in your body will have been replaced. re born. However, throughout adulthood new neurons are born in a brain region called the hippocampus, where new memories are formed. After the cells are created they integrate into existing brain regions.
The most common elements in your body are Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen. These are also the most common elements to found in the universe and they exists in about the same proportion as they are found in found in your body. Your body is basically composed of the same elements that can be found in stars. Which is why we can honestly say, you are star material…literally! Almost every element on Earth was formed at the heart of a star. Do you think this was by accident or grand design?
Everything has a design element, especially when we look closely. Quarks have design elements. I come down o the side of design.