Wyoming’s John Barrasso on Republican Goals in the Senate in 2015

Posted by Tina

John Barrasso, Wyoming’s physician Senator has signaled his eagerness to tackle Obamacare when his party takes command in January. Several bills addressing problems in Obamacare that have already passed with bipartisan support in the House will certainly be brought to the Senate floor for debate. The medical device tax, restoration of the 40 hour work week, and the individual mandate are three bills they can work on immediately. Barrasso says he would like to repeal and replace the law but at the very least the most damaging parts of the ACA must be stripped from the law. The Senators are watching to see how the Supreme Court will rule in a case involving subsidies paid through the IRS. If that practice is ruled illegal repeal and replace will become inevitable since Obamacare collapses without these subsidies.

Barasso also indicated his eagerness to actually get some work done in the Senate once Harry Reid’s policy of block and control is over. Barrasso says many of the Senators currently serving in the Senate have never experienced how the body is supposed to function, incredible! Bills affecting energy production and the Keystone Pipeline already passed in the House are supported by a united Republicans Senate and enjoy support of some democrats in the Senate. So the President’s policies will soon be challenged not just by the opposition party, but from his own party as well on these issues.

Holding our elected officials’ feet to the fire has already begun with folks expressing anger over the massive bipartisan spending bill just passed. But our work has just begun. The next step is noticing what Republicans intend to do. The house passed over 300 bills that were never taken up in the Senate. The kindling has already been set.

Just learned from Mark Styne, filling in for Rush, that America is the only nation in the world with lame ducks. Every other nation kicks out the deselected immediately…strange that we are so generous with those that have been rejected by the people.

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5 Responses to Wyoming’s John Barrasso on Republican Goals in the Senate in 2015

  1. Peggy says:

    I find it amazing that Ted Cruz and other true conservatives are vilified for opposing Obama and the liberal agenda while Pelosi and other Democrats are praised for doing the same thing.

    Here is Ted Cruz on Sean Hannity’s, Mark Levin’s and more radio shows explaining his and Mike Lee’s push to have the amnesty procedural vote on Saturday.


  2. Tina says:

    Peggy you are so right! Cruz knows he’ll be made the target of ridicule. Thankfully he’s willing to take the slings and arrows in stride.

    Elizabeth Warren’s speech for a no vote was praised as showing she was presidential material. Cruz’s opposition in a similar situation was described as the radical rantings of a man bent on shutting down government.

    The Democrat Party and its pals in media/education/unions are the poster kids for hypocrisy!

  3. Tina says:

    Byron York makes a good point in his piece, “Did Ted Cruz really bungle the lame-duck session for Republicans?”

  4. Chris says:

    Tina: “Elizabeth Warren’s speech for a no vote was praised as showing she was presidential material. Cruz’s opposition in a similar situation was described as the radical rantings of a man bent on shutting down government.”

    Well, there’s the fact that Ted Cruz explicitly called for a government shutdown, and Elizabeth Warren did not.

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