House Republicans File to Impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen

John-KoskinenThank Harold for spotting this great news:

The impeachment resolution accuses Koskinen of having “engaged in a pattern of deception that demonstrates his unfitness to serve as Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service.”

The specific allegation is that he misled Congress when he said last year that he had turned over all of Lerner’s emails when he knew that thousands of them were missing and that backup copies had been destroyed.

“Impeachment is the appropriate tool to restore public confidence in the IRS and to protect the institutional interests of Congress,” Chaffetz — a strong critic of the IRS who has energetically pursued the email scandal — said in introducing the resolution Tuesday.

Dare we hope that finally the people might witness justice served? I’m not holding my breath but I’m very happy the GOP led committee are filing the papers.

Thanks Harold!

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8 Responses to House Republicans File to Impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen

  1. Harold says:

    This Government is becoming more and more like Big Brother in the movie 1984.

    If this info on this link proves to be valid, why the he77 are we putting up with this crap ?

    Who do we put in office to stop it, right now my best guess might be a Tea party affiliate who is more Constitutional aligned than those politicians already in office, but how do you get the sloth voters to cut off the hand that feeds them?

  2. J. Soden says:

    Koskinen was hand-picked by Obumble to stall, obfuscate and lie regarding the IRS’ Tea Party targeting scandal. Can’t think of a better reason to abolish the IRS and replace it with a flat tax!

    • Tina says:

      I can’t either. When a tax collection agency becomes a campaign arm with policing authority to destroy opponents we’ve lost the whole notion of freedom and individual rights in America.

      I hadn’t given any thought to tax exempt status and the flat tax. But if the IRS still has the authority to decide whose applications will be granted and whose will be delayed for “special” scrutiny a flat tax wouldn’t help.

      We need to eradicate corruption. It’s a big job and it looks like too many Americans don’t care or are blissfully unaware.

      I hope the impeachment proceedings awakens a few of them; this is a very serious issue.

  3. Peggy says:

    Heard lawyers yesterday say that Lois Lerner is not off of the hook completely. With a republican president appointing a new attorney general she could still be brought up on charges.

  4. Dewey says:

    Politics should not be a tax free business period.

    • Tina says:

      That’s why there are restrictions on what activities 501c4 organizations can do.

      But our government has ignored these rules in terms of prosecution, or withdrawing tax free status, for decades. Big non profits like Greenpeace and Planned Parenthood have participated in the political process for years unscathed. Black churches also get away with political activities despite their non-profit status. As long as lefty organizations can get away with political participation, organizations on the right should be able to too. All we ask is equal treatment and we were denied that by Lois Lerner and Mr. Koskinen…worse citizens were subjected to delays in the application process, harassment by the Irs and other agencies, and unwarranted fines, an egregious abuse of power.

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