Soros and Co. Is This the Kind of Change You Had in Mind?

Posted by Tina

Is there anyone in America who honestly believes Al Franken has legally won that Senate seat in Minnesota? I swear this race has to be the most colossal act ever staged in American politics and yes, we all have a stake in the outcome. As for Minnesotans, they should be up in arms. If we peek under the “official” surface, or should I say circus, we find an ugly clown, a la the “Joker” of Batman fame. This is a man who ultimately fancies himself in control of politics worldwide. He is the very egomaniacle, very wealthy, Mr. George Soros. According to Ed Lasky at American Thinker his slight of hand tactics have been in play from even before this race began:

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California Green Will it Be Climate or Cash?

earth-9.jpegPosted by Tina

Sacramento — Efforts to bridge California’s budget abyss collapsed last week as talks hit a formidable roadblock — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s demand that long-standing environmental protections be stripped from 10 big highway projects. The governor’s aides say his plan would give the financially strained state a $1.2-billion economic boost and create 22,000 jobs over the next three years. Environmentalists say the governor is backpedaling from the heavily publicized push to curb global warming. LA Times

As Democrats including president-elect Barack Obama — along with their media minions — continue spreading hysterical climate alarmism in order to raise taxes and redistribute wealth, a possibly inconvenient truth has just been presented to the international community: “The earth is now on the brink of entering another Ice Age, according to a large and compelling body of evidence from within the field of climate science.” Noel Sheppard, News Busters

Hmmm…rock and a hard place…Im betting on the cash.

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Apparently It Isnt the “Entire World”

Posted by Tina

I thought you should know:

** HYDERABAD, India Manmohan Singh leads the largest democracy on earth. But Indias prime minister is gentle of manner and speaks in whispers. One struggles to imagine him professing love without shyness to his own wife. And so it meant something when he recently laid the L-word on a little-loved man: George W. Bush. This may be my last visit to you during your presidency, Mr. Singh told Mr. Bush…India deeply love you. New York Times **

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American Fuel – Again it’s OFF LIMITS!

So says Harry Reid (American fool) and a hand full of other Senators.

Posted by Tina

Harry Reids Land Grab, by Amanda Carpenter

** Its hard to pinpoint the worst part of the public lands legislation bill Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is calling up for an under-the-radar Sunday vote tomorrow. The 1200-page, pork-laden, $10 billion proposal locks up millions of acres of energy-rich property by designating it as environmentalist-friendly federal wilderness area where not even as much as a bicycle would be permitted to travel across the land. *** One Republican House staffer put it this way: Reid is going to make it federal land so no one can touch it. Hes locking up the equivalent of ANWR. *** The bill, S.22 “Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009,” would cordon off more than 3 million acres from energy leasing by restricting various areas as federal wilderness or wild and scenic river ways. *** California Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D.) is requesting $461 million to legally settle a dispute over the San Joaquin River with the environmentalist group Natural Resources Defense Council. The money would be used for a water project that has the minimum goal of restoring 500 salmon to the river. (Thats nearly $1 million per fish!) *** Republican Sen. Tom Coburn (Okla.) argues its foolish to add acreage to the federal governments responsibility when it cant even properly manage treasured properties like the Statue of Liberty or National Mall appropriately. And, were not exactly suffering from a shortage of wilderness, his spokesman John Hart said in a conversation with Townhall. *** Coburn has drafted 13 amendments to the bill, but Reid is not allowing him to offer a single one of them. One of them is a common-sense measure to just require that the current maintenance backlogs of government property be brought up to date. **

Hope we dont end up like some around the world…reopening nuclear facilities that have been shut down for years or simply shivering in the cold…while we’re waiting for alternatives to come online and meet demand.

The progressive plan is shaping up nicely though…and we”ll be here to tag it as such for all to see.

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Yoo-hoooooo…Calling Michael Moore

Posted by Tina

We will not tolerate politicians who are corrupt and break the law. And we promise you we will go after the corrupt politicians on our side first. If we fail to do this, we need you to call us on it. Simply because we are in power does not give us the right to turn our heads the other way when our party goes astray. Please perform this important duty as the loyal opposition.” Michael Moore

Intrigued? Read the fabulous article by Matt May at American Thinker, Get to Work, Big Man and then start making your own list. Lets see… William Jefferson…Robert Rubin…Barney Frank…Chris Dodd…Charles Schumer…Jamie Gorelick…Ron Blogojevich…Bill Richardson…Harry Reid…

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Posted by Tina

Barack Obama may soon find himself in a very tough spot. He promised to close the Guantanamo facility and he will soon take an oath to defend our nation. Hi ssupporters cannot wait. They have been certain for years that the EEEEEEvil George Bush has been motivated by a sick love of detention and mistreatment of those Gitmo prisoners but is it true:

** THE Rudd Government denied a request from the Bush administration to resettle 17 Chinese locked up in Guantanamo Bay military prison after a number of warnings from Beijing not to take the former terror suspects. Beijing heavily lobbied the federal Government against resettling the group of Muslims from northwestern China, known as Uyghurs, whom the US has cleared but refuses to send home for fear of their torture and possible execution. The Australian (Sidney) **

These requests arent the first. In truth similar requests have been made and denied over the years. The press and hard core Bush hating liberals have grossly misrepresented the purpose and intent of the administration, the facts concerning prisoners and the details about the roll it plays in defending our nation.

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By Bruce Sessions

********** FRIDAY SPECIAL *************


Attorney General Jerry Brown said he would defend Proposition 8 before the state Supreme Court. He took the oath of office to support and defend the Constitution, so we certainly wouldnt expect anything less. But, that was thenthis is now. Jerry Brown has changed sides.

He now says hell support the homosexual communitys attempt to overturn voter approved Proposition 8. He filed a brief with the Supreme Court which states in effect that all Californians have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore, if Proposition 8 stays in our constitution, it would deprive the homosexual community of its liberty to pursue happiness.

If the high court agrees with Brown, imagine the doors it would open. Child predators want to pursue happiness, too —and theyre happy when they can molest little boys without fear of getting caught and punished. To deprive them of that behavior would be to deny them their liberty and happiness.

The same could be said of any man wanting two wives, or three, or four, or more. And how about those who find happiness in the behavior of bestiality? Theyre happiest when engaged in sex with animals, or a park bench! To deprive them of that would be to interfere with their liberty, something the attorney general says would violate their constitutional right to happiness.

Make no mistake! Jerry Brown threw his lot in with the homosexual crowd for one reason and one reason only! He wants to be governor (again) and his democrat rival is San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, the darling of the homosexual community.

Unless Brown wins the democrat primary in 2010, the chance to become governor again will have melted away like the proverbial snowball in hell. Jerry Brown must out-homosexual Gavin Newsom. Hell go before the supreme court in March and fight to overturn the will of the majority of California voters.

California is the thirtieth state in the union to amend its constitution to maintain the margins of marriage to be one man and one woman. It took the votes of whites, blacks, Asians, Indians, Latinosand when all the votes were counted, the majority approved Proposition 8. The margins of marriage should not be changed to accommodate a group based on its preferred sexual behavior.

Homosexuals already have equal rights. They can marry anyone of the opposite sexjust like the rest of us.

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Court Thumbs Nose at CA Constitution

Posted by Tina

** Sacramento, Calif. — An anti-tax group will consider new legal action after a California appeals court tossed out a lawsuit that sought to block tax increases passed by Democrats in the state Legislature, the group said Thursday. *** It argued that the Democratic majority acted illegally when it passed the tax increases because it did so with a simple majority vote. The state Constitution requires a two-thirds majority for tax increases. **

Californias Constitution must be considered a major inconvenience by some courts…and Democrats…well, it’s business as usual. What did one recent commenter say to explain Democrat’s bad behavior? …oh yeah, “Whatever it takes.”

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Japan’s Affordable Health Care

Posted by Jack Lee

doctors-in-japan.jpgJapanese have the longest, healthy life span on Earth and they spend half as much on health care as the United States.

That long life expectancy is partly due to diet and lifestyle, but the country’s universal health care system plays a key role, too. Everyone in Japan is required to get a health insurance policy, either at work or through a community-based insurer. The government picks up the tab for those who are too poor.

It’s a model of social insurance that is used in many wealthy countries. But it’s definitely not “socialized medicine.” Eighty percent of Japan’s hospitals are privately owned more than in the United States and almost every doctor’s office is a private business.

Health Care for Anyone at Anytime…and it’s cheap!

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Sea Kittens?

fish_01.jpgPosted by Tina

** RADICAL international animal rights group PETA has launched its most bizarre campaign yet, demanding fish be renamed “sea kittens”. PETA – People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals – believes calling fish sea kittens will make sea food less appealing. It wants to change the image of fish as slimy and slithery creatures by claiming they are similar to cuter, more popular animals. Daily Telegraph (Sidney AU) **

Truth just doesn’t matter…it’s all illusion all the time!

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