Rambo-Go See This Movie!

by Tina Grazier

Rambo…the mature man…has found quiet, if not peace, back in a jungle setting. He remains the reluctant warrior, living out his days on the river. But when faced with the inevitable he is compelled by his code and his calling to step up and do what needs to be done.

Right from the beginning this movie hits those who are naive, who wish to appease, with great big doses of reality. It does so with elements of grace, found in Rambo’s interactions with well-meaning missionaries, contrasted with hellish acts of terror. The special effects will not disappoint…they are incredible, pushing the “envelope,” as they say in the biz, well beyond those in “Saving Private Ryan.” This over-amplification of violence is made reasonable, however, by the very timely and appropriate context of the movie which is: evil people are real and will hurt and kill you heartlessly!

Go see this movie…Stalone does a stellar job…again.

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