McDonald’s Sued By Muslim’s

Post by Jack Lee

Two Muslim-American women filed a job discrimination lawsuit on July 24, claiming that a McDonalds restaurant in Dearborn Michigan would not hire them because they refused to remove their Muslim head scarves, if they were to be hired. I wonder how religion can be expected to override the rights of private business

in a country where only religious freedom is protected? This suit is beyond stupid and it should be thrown out and a cross filing done against the women and their attorney for filing a frivolous lawsuit and disrupting McDonalds business.

You realize of course that we will see more of these kind of things in the near future and that we will keep surrendering a little bit of our country every time we accommodate and adapt to foreign cultures. Like those airports with feet washing stations built just to accommodate Muslims or taxi companies who grant them prayer time 6 times a day or at public schools where graduation prayers are cancelled because it might offend some Muslim somewhere…which was absolutely ridiculous even for the Muslims!

I have no doubt that Muslims would eventually like to see Sharia law prevail in America and that would put an end to the Constitution that irritates them so much. All those inalienable rights get in the way of discipling women and children.

Call me an “anti-Muslim-fanatic” if you want, but I think this is a problem that is only going to get worse with the spread of Islam in America. Islam and democracy are polar opposites, they are competing philosophies and eventually it will pit one against the other. Look at France and now England…we’re headed that way too. It could come down to our illegals making a last stand against the Muslim radicals! Wouldn’t that be ironic? Hey,they are about the only group left in this country with any guts to stand up for themselves…the rest of us sure won’t, most of us are just too fat, dumb and lazy. Look at all the garbage we put up with…and we never fight back..we just try to appease. We want to go along to get along…that’s us.

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