Increasing Brain Power!

Answer on second page.

You use different parts of your brain for normal tasks and for new, interesting tasks. Even after a few minutes of performing certain tasks, your brain becomes accustomed to it. For example, close your eyes and touch your arm.

You will certainly feel that, but keep your finger there for a few moments. Eventually your sense of touch becomes accustomed to the feeling of your arm and no longer reports it to your brain; you will no longer feel anything. The same thing happens for all your senses (which is why you can’t tell when your own breath smells bad!)

The brain thirsts for novel experiences. Unique experiences activate different parts of the brain, strengthen your synapses and pump up the production of neurotrophins. So, break up your routines and try something new.

The trick is do work your brain in different ways, keep it active and avoid going to autopilot!

Next brain tip…Start carrying a small notebook and pen in your pocket and whenever you have an idea, write it down. Try not to censor your silly ideas, because it’s the silly ideas that frequently have a nugget of genius buried inside. If you are diligent about doing this for a few days, you’ll be amazed at how many ideas you have every day that you forget because you never capture them on paper. From time to time you can go back and review your ideas to find the good ones. Pretty soon, you’ll have more ideas than you know what to do with.

Quiz answer: If you quickly said A and C we know you are smarter than average! Good going.

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