Mexican National Caught Starting California Fires

By Jack Lee

You’ll love this one. The cops busted an illegal alien starting a forest fire in Mendocino County. Turns out a helicopter pilot dumping water on another fire spotted a man in camo clothing (good eye) and watched him set a fire. The pilot suspended his water drop activity and called in police while he kept watch. And how illegal was he? This arsonist was also a pot grower and he was lighting fires to divert attention away from his crop…imagine that, a marijuana garden in Mendocino county?

He was not alone either, but so far his crime partners haven’t been caught.

Mexican nationals growing pot in our forests is a big problem and it’s getting worse. Typically these guys are heavily armed and work for drug cartels back in Mexico. They have no qualms about firing at you or at law enforcement. Think about that next time you see somebody advocating open borders or claiming imigrants aren’t criminals. Our prisons are filled with so-called undocumented imigrants who are major criminals!

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