Posted by Jack

I may have to change my vote to Obama, I’ve just heard some startling revelations why Obama should be our next president. According to one of Hawaii’s delegates to the DNC Obama is both wonderful and has the Aloha spirit.

There it is, two, (2) great qualities in one man, hallowed tho he may be, this is still really something incredible. He is “wonderful” AND filled with the “Aloha spirit!” As opposed to John McCain who may be wonderful in his own special way, but does he measure up with the “Aloha spirit”? Can we afford to take that chance? Emotion filled delegates say no! And these two things, being wonderful and filled with Aloha, above all else is why the Hawaiians love Obama. Well ain’t that just ducky. This is deep stuff, really deep!

It was also alluded to by this lady that was both from Hawaii and of Hawaiian ancestry that …

Obama, as a man of color, grew up in Hawaii which is a great mixed culture today of Chinese, Japanese, Samoans, Hawaiians even Caucasians, therefore he understands what it really means when it comes to racial tolerance.

That one statement suddenly jolted me back to reality! His racial tolerance is like the Hawaiian’s???

It was this last part about Hawaiians and Hawaii being the big melting pot that knocked me right out of the saddle. True, many cultures are there, but I wouldn’t call it a melting pot, far from it. Speaking as a former Kama Eina (that is Hawaiian for a local person), outside of Mississippi and parts of Alabama I found the Islands to be one of the most racist places on the face of the earth. Tourists probably wouldn’t notice, but once you get behind the veneer of the phony smiles and live there you see a different Hawaii. They love your tourist dollars and they hate you as a white person. They then hate slightly less if you are Hispanic. Slightly less even more if you are an Indian, and it’s gets better if you are Chinese finally you are almost tolerated if you are Japanese or from neighboring Islands.

Racist thought is a nasty lingering feeling behind almost every action and every word in the real Hawaiian culture. The have a real axe to grind with whitey. White’s aka Haole’s, rank on the very bottom in traditional Hawaiian society. Civil service hiring is blatantly racist in Hawaii. Elected officials are almost always elected by race. The law enforcement in Hawaii is very racist. The hiring is based more on race than qualifications, and I would say the Hawaiian law enforcement is probably the most racist I’ve ever seen, and I’ve a lot of law enforcements around the world. Hawaiian natives are treated best by government services because the services are mostly run by native Hawaiians or other people of color who more or less accept the Hawaiian’s prejudices in order to get along with them. This is Obama’s racial education? Oh, thats really great, well that sure explains a lot of his odd relationships.

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