by Jack Lee

While working in law enforcement there were many times I was told, “Don’t worry, he wont’ bite,” only to discover yes, he will bite! And I was forced to take defensive action that neither the dog or the owner was particularly thrilled with and that was unfortunate. I like dogs, but I have a strong dislike for irresponsible dog owners. And this brings up the lead story in the Enterprise Record today about another pit bull attack validating yet one more time why some breeds should be specially licensed and ownership restricted.

“Wanda Michelle Lawver, 34, said she had gone to the house about 2 p.m. Monday to use the telephone. The dogs had been fighting, but a man she knew inside the yard at C and Fallbrook streets told her the dogs wouldn’t hurt her, Lawver said.” As soon as she opened the gate and stepped inside the yard, the dogs charged her. She ran outside the yard, and the dogs followed and nailed her. The guy who assured her the dogs would hurt her stood there as she screamed for help. The dogs worked her over for a long time before somebody in the house called them off. She is now is serious condition and in a lot of pain. It was a stupid, needless event that could have been easily prevented by competent owners.

Most dogs don’t bite, it’s not in their nature, but there are some that are bred to fight and they are like a loaded gun that if not handled properly can have unintended and severe consequences. I’m a dog person and I understand dogs. When I was charged by vicious dogs (while working in law enforcement) it was by animals who were abused or out of control and that in itself is a crime of ownership.

Far too many lowlifes are also abusive pit bull owners or they own other dangerous breeds simply because they like the fear it puts in others; they get off on intimidating. A pit bull is the animal of choice for these scumbags and they are the ones ruining it for everyone else. Without some sort of safety regulation to restrict ownership to qualified owners pit bulls and other dangerous breeds will continue to be a high risk to others or abused.

Personally, I hope Wanda Michelle Lawver sues the pants off the owners, but I’ll bet they don’t have enough to cover the filing fees.

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