Capturing the Civil Disobedience Vote

A great empire, like a great cake, is most easily diminished from its edges, Benjamin Franklin

By Tina Grazier

Youve heard of the white vote and the black vote. Weve also got the soccer moms and hockey moms, the students, the Jews and Evangelicals, the Farmers and the union vote. In fact, we have seen categories of voters of every stripe and nuance but never before have we seen a consolidated and visible dissident vote. This year its become very clear that Senator Obama has successfully captured the civil disobedience vote.

Weve been made aware of Barack Obamas embrace of the Saul Alinsky method as found in his book Rules for Radicals, a book that has inspired the politics of progressives for decades. We know of his ties to leftist radicals William Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn of the sixties terrorist Weathermen organization. We have heard about his ties to
ACORN, Louis Farrakaon, Reverend Wright and the teachings of Black Liberation Theology. We know of his alliances with Tony Rezco and the tainted politics and players in Mayor Richard Daleys Chicago political machine. Today another dissident player out of Chicago has been revealed, Marilyn Katz of the infamous Students for a Democratic Society (SDS):

Don’t tell me – ANOTHER radical in Obama’s background? by Ed Lasky – American Thinker

* As Chicago (and Illinois, for that matter) reels from a fiscal crisis resulting in a cutback of services and layoffs of thousands, Mayor Daley spends many millions on public relations and image building. *** One of the beneficiaries is Marilyn Katz. Where have I heard that name before? She is a bundler for Barack Obama, a person with a radical past (head of security for the Students for a Democratic Society-SDS-fromm which Bill Ayers’ militant Weathermen group splintered). *** She was also the prinicpal organizer of the now famous 2002 antiwar rally in which Barack Obama spoke against the Iraq War. And she serves on his finance committee as well as hosting fundraisers for him and donating thousands of dollars to the cause. *** Now, as Daley prepares to lay off more than 1,000 city workers, he’s given Katz and other public relations firms five-year contracts that could pay them as much as $5 million each for consulting, advertising and promotion. *** Getting in good with Daley hasn’t been bad for business. She also lists as her clients Daley’s Chicago Housing Authority, Daley’s City Colleges, Daley’s city Law Department, and Daley’s Departments of Aviation, Environment, Housing, Human Services, Planning and Development, Public Health, Public Works, Streets and Sanitation, Intergovernmental Affairs, Special Eventsthe list goes on. *** Fired workers-the little people? Services being shut down? Infrastructure crumbling? School kids ripped off? *** Ahh..who long as the public realtions machine and image building can flourish in the hands of people who make it their job to create illusions and delusions? *

Radical dissidents have been shown time and again to be, first and foremost, self serving. Helping the poor and disadvantaged is secondary and in fact serves mainly as a means to an end, their own iniquitous ambitions and greed. The activities they engage and the methods they employ defy tradition and laws; rather than working within the system they choose to sidestep or destroy it. The resulting unrest, division, and inequity that once only nibbled at the fringes of American society now bites deeply at the very heart of America.

This is the main concern when considering the merits of Senator Obama. Will he serve the people of the United States and our Constitution or will he merely work for specific groups at the expense of others as he plays out his dreams of historic greatness? His alliances certainly give one pause.

Are you a politician who says to himself: “I will use my country for my own benefit?” Or are you a devoted patriot, who whispers in the ear of his inner self: “I love to serve my country as a faithful servant? – Kahlil Gibran

Vote wisely in November.

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