High Speed Train Vocabulary

180px-TGVDuplex_Arriere.jpegby Martin Engel

Here is a list of phrases for future comments on this disaster-to-be.

High-speed train vocabulary of words, terms and phrases
for writing one page flyers and brochures:

Gravy train
Luxury ExpressDisneyland Express
Pork barrel politics
Smoke and mirrors
Snake oil
Underestimated costs
Exaggerated claims
Overstated results

Linear Ghettos
Berlin Wall
Great Wall of China
A $10 billion down-payment
Subsidizing corporate travel expense accountsHigh-speed trains and low-speed schools
Its not about the train; its about the money.
This train WILL raise our taxes.
Bonds are a debt, like mortgages. This one is sub-prime.
Their train, paid for by our children and their children.
A train system that needs to be replaced every 30 years.
A train where it is not needed to solve problems that are elsewhere.
Icing without the cake
A train for the rich and famous
Like flying first-class
Builds urban sprawl
The business plan that isnt there
OPM; other peoples money
A financial black hole
All fantasy and no substance
A marketing project, designed by politicians
Conceived by politicians, not railroad experts
Nearly $60 million down the rat-hole
A fraud on the voters
Garbage-in-garbage-out mathematical models
Selling a fantasy with videos and promises, not a business plan
Late night TV infomercials for the easily seduced.

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