Editorial by Harold Ey (Chico businessman)

What Chico really needs now is an insightful city government. Currently we just have a cobbled group of people with individual concepts of what they consider right. They (the majority) rule through dominance and bullying into submission any idea that doesnt serve their voting base. We have a Mayor that ran on the idea that he could/would govern with consensus, but what he did not explain was all the concessions were to come from the opposition solely. That does not serve the interests of all of Chico.

We are going to the polls again to vote for people to represent a community of many thoughts, dont let your own ideology fool you into voting for an incumbent that has not been effective or shown any true leadership, currently we have a majority of them.

Please vote, but only vote for the betterment of the community, even if it means you must temporally set aside ideology on some personal wants. By doing so Chico stands a better chance of a fiscally sound future that provides the budget basics were taxed for. Special interests and hopes are fine, but the key to achieving all the above mentioned and a sound financial budget is selective and effective leadership, something the majority has not provided Chico during their last 8 years of dominance.

If we all do a better job voting and appoint people that represent this community, we would regain some confidence in our government; it is as simple as that!

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