“Our Time to Rule America”

by Faviola G.

I too will vote for Barack Obama and I think you are a hartless stuped swine. You will pay when Obama gets elected you you stuped rich pigs and all your fancy things we hate you! We will take back that which you have stolen from the poor people. We have been down too long and now its our time to rule america and you fat rich wont like it and I say oh too bad get over it. Obama will win. Your rich plunder made on the backs of the poor people belong to the poor people not you.

Editor’s note: I doubt if Faviola would bother to have a conversation to explain to our readers how people she/he calls “stupid rich pigs” have “stolen from poor people” or what exactly “rule america” means but I invite her/him to do so.

Last time I looked we were still electing representatives, not kings and queens with the power to “make people PAY.

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