by Bruce Session

abruce.jpgThe euphoria over the outcome of this election will slowly fade between now and january…but come inauguration day, it’ll swell up again. And rightly so, since history will be made with the swearing in of the first African-Arab-American-Socialist as President of the United States.

Democrats came very close to gaining a filibuster-proof Senate. Had they achieved that, it would’ve been the first time since the 95th Congress back in 1977. Democrats held 61 seats in the Senate, 292 in the House, and had President Jimmy Carter in the White House.

The Democrats controlled it all, and the country went to hell in a handbasket. Inflation became rampant, taxes were exorbitant and the unemployment rate went through the roof. The “misery” index was created. In the military, we had planes that couldn’t fly for lack of spare parts. We had ships that couldn’t get underway. The military had been neutered…..and Carter gave away the Panama Canal.

By 1980, the public was ready to run the dems outta’ town on a rail and they did, by voting Carter ouit of office, and elected Ronald Reagan as this country’s new president.

Today, it’s almost deja voux. Democrats control the House, the Senate and come January, the White House. It’ll be interesting to see how long it takes for the public to get angry as the recession deepens, the unemployment rate rises and new taxes are levied on citizens–thus sweeping aside all those campaign promises.

According to CBS News Online, Obama’s senior advisers have drawn up plans to lower expectations for his presidency amid concerns that many of his euphoric supporters are harboring unrealistic hops of what he can achieve. But who gave them those unrealistic hopes?

President Carter promised change, but over the term of his presidency, the voters discovered they didnt’ like the change they’d voted for. Voters corrected their mistake in 1980. Will we see history repeat itself? Things will get a lot worse in the coming years. Socialism will do that. Might the next four years give rise to another Ronald Reagan? We watch and wait.

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