By Bruce Sessions

abruce.jpgThe cult following of Barack Obama reminds me so much of the Israelites. Moses and his brother Aaron led them out of bondage from Egypt, and they sojourned in the wilderness for forty years enroute to the promised land. But, somewhere along the way, they tired of the status quo. They wanted change. When Moses went up in the mountains to commune with God (and receive the ten commandments) the restless Israelites began to murmur among themselves. Moses and Aarons poll numbers dipped to rock bottom.

The Israelites decided the best way to bring about change would be to deny their God and create a new one. So, they crafted with their own hands, a new god to worship. It was a golden calf. And they fell to their knees to worship the inanimate object they had created. They rejoiced, saying this new god would bring about the change they wanted. But they never specified what changes they wanted. They just wanted change.

As I watched the election returns of November 4th, I could actually see –in my minds eye– the Israelites rejoicing and worshipping their golden calf. This golden calf called Barack Obama was created by the biased liberal media, the major news networks, the Democrat party, and every left-wing liberal socialist lucky enough to be living in America.

As I watched the election returns, the camera crews cut away to show the faces and the worshipful adoration of Americans and Europeans toward this new golden calf. Even one reporter stated Americans wanted a savior, and now they have one.

The Israelis golden calf was symbolism without substance. The same is true of Obama, but those who follow him are willing to follow him anywhere. Even to the gates of Hell!

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