Fear, Oil and the Recession

By Bud Biddle, Chief of Police – CA, retired

Dan has suspicions about foreign involvement and/or intervention into our financial debacles, both here and abroad. And I agree…but not with a question; an answer.

The MAJOR economic issues are singular. Its oil prices////the oil prices spiking; gasoline following suit and a MAJOR climate of FEAR developing with numerous foreclosures on loans that should never have been made. The latter FEAR being mainly brought on by the USA AND Global Media, e.g; National fear has simply gutted our economy and our stock and real estate prices. It’s fallout has sent consumer spending downward into dismal, devalued loop worse than 9-11 created.

The first thing to go this time was our own American’s excessive driving; the next: 30-40% of consumer spending and related travel. Follow the crude oil prices and I’ll show you the global reasons for the significant downturn, everywhere..All the rest of the data are simply window dressing with excuse after excuse. Oil controls humanity..ALL humanity and oil always has control of us all.

No amount of CEO misbehavior; auto giant misbehavior; union misbehavior; political shenanigan’s/corruption; illegal alien issues; religious dogma; taxpayer bailouts & loans, or similar, will ever change anything. It will always be OIL…until we change and drill, for now; then, “greenin up“ as we go. Obama will save us..! He said so..! Hallejlullah..Biddle.

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