Munitions Scares Police – Office Closed!

by Jack

From a story in the ER today: Somebody from the Salvation Army brought some old bullets in a card board box to the police department . Apparently this came to them accidentally in the form of a donation and because the munitions were old and corroded this required a bomb robot, the EOD team, and a total evacuation of the police

department? I remember recently how the police department closed down the streets around the dowtown post office because someone (a bum most likely) left behind an old backpack. I think they used a water cannon to blow it up. There was nothing in it but old clothes.

What a world we live in, nobody wants to take any responsibility or any risk, it’s all about CYA. There was near zero risk in both of these events and a whole lot of people were evacuated, streets were closed and for what, a one in a billion chance something might actually go bang? Imagine if we lived our lives with that extreme level of fear and caution over… the what if’s, always pointing to the 1 in a billion chance of something going wrong? What would your car be made out of… foam rubber, would it run on peddal power because gasoline is too dangerous? Would we all have to wear safety helmets and bubble wrap because we might fall down?

C’mon. This is getting embarassing. Look if they justed wanted to play with their little bomb machine, I can understand that, but evacuating the whole building?

I say be careful, thats fine, but please be reasonable. And yes, I have been around old corroded munitions and I’ve done my share of bomb disposal too. Never had a $100,000 bomb robot and I’ve still got all my body parts. When it comes to bomb threats or even handling old ammo, I always figured my odds of something actually happening were far worse just riding a bicycle around the block. Statistically I would be right too…but, then again what if that one time I was wrong and …….ok, now I’m just messin with ya.

I know I am going to catch heck for saying all this and what a lot of folks are thinking, but that’s another risk we take here all the time…just expressing our opinions. It would be a lot safer to just say nothing.

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