Wasteful Spending

Posted by Jack

Nancy Pelosi refused to fly first class and insisted on her own private jet. She got it too! One problem, it had to stop mid-way to refuel. This became tedious for Princess Pelosi so she demanded a bigger jet and she got it! Why not, heck the government has unlimited amounts of free money, right? Yeah, sure.

Pelosi, like all our legislators, works 3 days a week, then flies home in her personal jet at the cost of about $120,000 round trip. Do the math, that is $480,000 per month at an annual cost to the taxpayers of $5,760,000.

No wonder she complains about the cost of the war, it might cramp her style.

The example she sets is one of indifference to plight of the average Amererican who is now dealing with the harsh realities of a recession. Ironically Pelosi badmouthed the CEO’s of the Big 3 auto manufacturers for flying in corporate jets to Washington DC looking for a handout.

Princess Pelosi says she wants you and I to conserve our carbon footprint, but what about her? Princess Pelosi says she wants us to buy smaller cars, but what about her? She drives big, fat luxury cars, which is fine by me if she didn’t want to take mine away!

The President could have taken a stand and said no way! He could have said, “You fly commercial like everyone else in the Senate and Congress and be dang glad you get to go 1st class!” But, he didn’t do anything. So if you get mad at Pelosi for wasting fuel and your money, you might as well be mad at the Bush Administration for not standing up and making this an issue. Then again, considering President Bush’s track record of incredibly wasteful spending (worst in history), he’s probably too embarassed to criticize Pelosi. So, if we don’t like it I guess we have no where to turn, except back to ourselves…but then I am reminded it was “ourselves” that elected her in the first place!

If the American taxpayers/voters had any guts and the common sense to match they would be calling Pelosi to demand she stop the waste and fly commercial! If Obama wanted to match deeds with his big words he would be saying, “Nancy, …look at the image you are setting for my new administration! Get rid of that big, gas guzzling jet and act like you’re an elected official, not royalty! From now on you fly coach from now on and thats an order!” Yeah, fat chance of that happening too! Well, I say, let her know how much we disapprove! Do your part right now. Call Pelosi or email her. Look, I’ll make it real easy for you:

(202) 225-0100 or go to her website and email her. Click http://speaker.house.gov/contact/here. I dare you!


Federal employees wasted at least $146 million over a one-year period on business- and first-class airline tickets, in some cases simply because they felt entitled to the perk, congressional investigators say.

A draft report by the Government Accountability Office, obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press, is the first to examine compliance with travel rules across the federal government following reports of extensive abuse of premium-class travel by Pentagon and State Department employees.

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