Mumbai Attack Had Several Motives

by Jack Lee

aTAJ.jpg (Taj Hotel caught fire during attack) Their professed goal was the issue of sovereignty for Kashmir, however their more obvious goal was creating chaos, conflict and fomenting hate between Pakistan and India. This is their MO and it has been for years in countries around the world. This is what radicalized Muslims do.

Killing tourists does not advance independence for Kashmir; those tourists had nothing to do with local politics and its doubtful any of the half dozen American tourists that were targeted could even find Kashmir on the map. But, they were Americans and for no other reason this made them targets. The captured terrorists showed no remorse as they talked freely about killing civilians for in their eyes the victims were already damned souls, virtually sub-human and killing them was not a crime according to their interpretation of the Q’ran.

The attack has been somewhat successful because it has already begun to strain the relations between Pakistan and India. It’s disrupted Pakistans efforts to root out terrorist camps in its mountainous regions along the border with Afghanistan and that no doubt also played a big part in this bloody rampage.

The surviving terrorists claimed they trained for months inside Pakistan before the attack in Mumbai that left 183 people dead in a 3 day siege. Indian authorities believe as many as 15 participated, however only 10 have been accounted for.

In a rare act of outspoken definace, Muslims living in Mumbai do not want the dead terrorists buried in their local cemeteries. They say their violent actions do not reflect their Muslim views of peace and they do not believe they were true Muslims.

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