War on Drugs – Guess What? We’re Losing!

by Jack Lee

“If you build a 20 foot wall, we’ll build a 21 foot ladder.” This is the often quoted philosophy of the Mexican drug cartels. They back it up by infiltrating, what US officials estimate to be, 40% of Mexico’s federal district attorney’s office! They’re also controlling Mexican army units on the border, arming themselves with automatic weapons and escalating an unrestrained brutality that includes the ever popular… beheadings of police officials.

“The rampaging drug violence is spilling over into the USA all along the border. The Mexican Military has made over 200 incursions into our country protecting Mexican Drug Runners, firing on our Border Guards with overwhelming force. A must read from Staff Writers Sara Carter and Kenneth Todd Ruiz. Sara was interviewed on MSNBC. Click here for that:


Then read about the outrageous activity on US soil. Our State Dept is NOT DOING ANYTHING! ” Right Side News.

Officials report a sharp increase in carjacking’s, auto thefts and homicides in border regions and it makes me think, if there was ever a war worth winning one would think it would be a war to protect our country from this invasion. Instead, this phony war on drugs is being waged with excuses and denial as our weapons of first choice. Our President and our Congress have repeatedly refused to arm our greatly outnumbered border patrol agents equal to the invaders. Those guys carry heavy weapons and they frequently use Mexican military units to protect their illicit cargo.

Our incompetent (or corrupt) leaders have steadfastly refused to even attempt to negotiate a hot pursuit policy with Mexico. Such a policy would allow in theory a Mexican-American taskforce to pursue Mexican criminals fleeing back across the border; currently our borders agents must stop at the border as the Mexican criminals continue to shoot at them from the Mexico side without fear of consequences. During the latest shoot out we called the Mexican federal police and they said, “Sorry, but we’re busy, call back another time.”

This is when we should call in the attack helicopters! I would love it if we laid down a curtain of lead that would wipe ’em off the face of the earth…but, don’t ever expect that, nope, not ever. Why it might cause an incident with Mexico, oh gasp! And what prey tell would that do about it? It’s not like Mexico could treat us any worse! Let em nationalize those rotten American companies that left us for cheap Mexican labor, who cares? Besides, what would Mexico do with a Ford parts plant when they couldn’t sell the parts back to the USA?

According to an official study by The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy there are now 12 times as many drug offenders in state prisons than there were in 1980, and that police arrest approximately 1.6 million Americans per year on drug charges, three times as many as they did 20 years ago. Government funding to pay for these activities has grown from 1.5 billion in 1980 to well over 22 billion today. Nevertheless, “the nation is in no better position to evaluate the effectiveness of enforcement than it was 20 years ago, when the recent intensification of enforcement began,” the report said.

The hypocrisy must stop! If it’s not a war we shouldn’t call it a war! Let our legislators be honest for a change with the American people. If we don’t have the will in Congress or the White House to take cost effective measures to tightly limit the current free flow of illicit drugs across the border…then we should take the next logical step, legalize drugs and tax them to pay for patient treatment. The decades of half-measures are costing us far too much and yield so little benefit. The current drug laws have had the unfortunate end effect of being more supportive of the drug cartel objectives than they ever were for restraining drug use in America.

NORML reported and this is backed up in a seperate report by the National Academy of Sciences, http://www.nas.edu/: Taxpayers spend between $7.5 and $10 billion annually arresting and prosecuting individuals for marijuana violations. Almost 90 percent of these arrests are for marijuana possession only.

Taxpayers are being punished for a lack of Federal leadership and they are forced to pay through the nose for the drug culture prison population, as our costly border control measures fall breathtakingly short of their stated goals. But, it gets worse and now ( predictably ) we have the next evolution of the drug menace, the unchecked brutality from organzied crime, those warring drug cartels, and that is seeping across our border and infecting the very fabric of American society with chaos and corruption, just like it did in Mexico. For God knows what reasoning, we’ve allowed South American and Mexican gangs to gain a toehold in these idiotic and illegal sanctuary cities and they are proliferating and prospering under our current drug laws.

Aside from the obvious drug cartels who else is involved? A new book out by Professors Scott Decker and Margaret Townsend Chapman conducted with 34 drug smugglers serving long sentences in federal prison. Decker is director of ASUs School of Criminology and Criminal Justice; Chapman is an associate at Abt Associates Inc.
says, Rather than having a complex pyramid structure, these are flat organizations consisting of small, self-contained cells. Any one individual who is a link in the chain, from the grower to the processor to the transporter, knows only the other links in the chain he deals with directly. This is part of the strength of these groups. Its not difficult to replace one link in the chain who may be arrested or otherwise eliminated. And he cant provide information enabling authorities to take down a large smuggling network.

“Decker and his co-author conclude their book with recommendations for U.S. law enforcement authorities. Among them are the need to publicize in the Caribbean and South America the long prison sentences awaiting smugglers who are apprehended, and to avoid being trapped by old operational models or fixed images of dynamic problems. Finally, the authors point to perhaps the most conspicuous and difficult way to reduce international drug smuggling finding ways to reduce demand for illegal drugs in the United States.” Well, there you go, another twist that has yet to be addressed by our DEA or our politicians…we’re alway, ALWAYS, opporating behind the curve.

The hint of things to come our way can be seen in Mexico right now. Is this what you want for your children’s future?

I dare you to call your state and federal representatives and ask them what they are doing about this problem! But, I warn you, even if you actually get one on the phone, (which I doubt) expect to get only two things, excuses and denials. Most of them are clueless about the problem and they will only repeat their party line…which is a bunch of BS!

You really must like being treated like a mushroom because you keep re-electing the same ol good for nothings.

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