Poll Results

Posted by Jack

Our poll this week, “Should legislators take a pay cut?”, was asked because so many people in the private sector are being forced to take pay cuts, some are subjected to lay-offs and some may even face foreclosures. Meanwhile, our legislature is now the highest paid in the nation and they have been growing welfare and shoving us down the road to socialism while bankrupting the state treasury. They are seeking tax increases in the middle of a recession when economists say this is the exact opposite of what they should be doing!

The poll showed about 99% in favor of cutting their pay so they feel some of our pain.

The second poll question asked, “Should legislators buy American made cars with their car allowance?” This question was asked in the backdrop of Detroit’s woes, where GM and Chrysler are facing ruin and we just ponied up 17 billion in bailout money to keep them going for a few more months.

About 98% of the responders said yes, they should buy an American made car with our tax money.

I apologize for the slow performance of the poll, in the future we will use another poll website.

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