Posted by Jack Lee

CHICAGO – Mexico suspended purchases from 30 U.S. meat plants due to sanitary issues. Mexico officials said this action was absolutely not a retaliation against the new U.S. labeling law, this was strictly a health issue. They noted their country takes great pride in maintaining extremely high sanitary conditions. Officials said, “Our highly advanced scientific inspections (famous the world over) turned up very minute amounts of common bacteria and that was unacceptable. Mexico has well known reputation for clean water and clean food, not to mention their clean smog free air.

When asked by one reporter, “Then why do your butcher shops hang meat outside where it’s coated with flies, they responded with, “Yeah, like that ever happens here in Mexico, next question.”

Early on Friday, independant analysts said the bans were obviously because of Mexico’s opposition to the recently enacted meat labeling law. The law, called Country-of-Origin Labeling or COOL, requires that meat packages in U.S. supermarkets carry labels stating the countries where the meat animals were raised.

Corrupt Mexico Officials and the U.S. Agriculture Department both denied with straight faces the retaliation allegation. The U. S. Agriculture Department then astonished reporters by saying they actually thought Americans would buy this fake story. Then the Ag Dept. added, “Countries would (normally) go through dispute settlement under either (the North American Free Trade Agreement) or (World Trade Organization) — not use the action of plant-by-plant delistment,” said Amanda Eamich of USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service.” (this boils down to extortion pay offs)

USDA listed the affected plants on its website on Friday, but the suspensions became effective on Tuesday.
Many of the banned plants are owned by the largest U.S. meat companies, including Cargill Inc, Tyson Foods Inc, JBS, Seaboard and Smithfield Foods. Extortion money, ( aka dispute settlement ) is expected have this ban revoked soon, said anonymous sources with the U.S. food industry.

And that concludes today’s top news story reinterpreted in the unvarnished truth version. We hope this journalistic style will catch on because the truth is such a rare thing these days. We think it could actually be used to restore failng news agencies.

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