Is Time Travel Possible? Answer Revealed

by Jack Lee


Only recently there was a point when scientists widely accepted that time was a constant that could not be changed. But, Einstein believed otherwise and he saw time as something more like a river flowing through the universe with bends, twists and eddy’s. Einsteins theory backed up by physicist’s most modern perspectives conclude there is no law that makes time travel impossible.

However, we are beyond dealing with a mere theory, now we’re dealing with the evidence, thanks to our ability to send satellites orbiting around the earth we know time is really not a constant. An atomic clock, the most accurate time piece ever invented was placed in a spacecraft and another identical atomic clock was left on earth, both were completely in psych. The space craft clock that orbited against the rotation of the earth lost time compared to the clock that was stationary on earth. Thus the passage of time was proven to be altered for the clock in space, even though it was only a miniscule amount, it was still a perceptible change.

If we can affect time by a fraction of a second because we’re applying Einstein’s theory of time and velocity by using the velocity of a spacecraft circling the earth, then it is only logical that we might some day use this principle to alter time by days, weeks or even years. Time travel could be the next great adventure and this could be the answer to traveling to distant galaxies in a matter of minutes or hours, not the thousands of years it would take light to travel the same distance.

Want to see more on this subject? Click here for the movie!

I suggest you also take a look at this one, especially if you are an agnostic. Click here for the God theory.

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