by Jack Lee

flag1.jpg You may recall recently I said legislators should buy American cars with their car allowance and 99% of you agreed. Now Daniel DiMicco, chairman and chief executive of Nucor Corp, a giant steel maker, told the paper the industry was asking the incoming administration to “deal with the worst economic slowdown in our lifetime through a recovery program that has in every provision a ‘buy America’ clause.”

When you buy American made products you are keeping greenbacks at home, you’re protecting American jobs, you are helping to lower America’s trade deficit, you’re stimulating the economy and keep more people off welfare and thus lowering the cost of government. All this keeps America strong and what keeps America strong is patrioticbuy American!

And if you happen to be one of those California legislators who would rather drive a NEW Porsche or a Lexus with your car allowance money you are out of touch with the times and the people. You are setting a bad example for your party too! IF DON’T SEE THAT YOU’RE CLUELESS! WE DON’T NEED MORE CLUELESS PEOPLE IN POLITICS, WE’VE GOT TOO MANY AS IT IS!

We don’t want to hear your claims about what a wonderful family man you are or how you support your church, we’ve got a million good people hear that do that and they also believe in BUYING AMERICAN. You should not think you have a lock on your job just because you have claim to have good family values, it’s not enough! YOU NEED TO BUY AMERICAN WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS! PROTECT YOUR JOB BY PROTECTING OURS!


NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. factory activity fell to a 28-year low in December as the deepening year-old recession hammered the manufacturing sector, producing a bleak outlook at the start of 2009.

The Institute for Supply Management said on Friday its index of national factory activity fell to 32.4 — a figure indicating contraction and the lowest reading since 1980 — from 36.2 in November. Its jobs gauge also hit the lowest level since 1982 and prices were the weakest since 1949.

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