Policy Based on “Sound Science”

by Tina Grazier

This morning the president lifted the ban on embrionic stem cell research and in his remarks he assured the nation that policy would be made based on “sound science”. My eyebrows immediately shot up! Did President Obama actually say “sound science?” Why yes…he did! But what does the president mean? Does he mean “an act, effort, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth (Websters)? Does he mean ” subjection to tests and trials, in general to specific, planned, and regular tests calculated to reveal any deficiencies (Websters)? Or does he mean that as long as a “concensus” can be built he will base his policies on that?

Hmmm…we know how that’s working out with respect to global warming. If we follow the pattern we might expect to see “adult stem cell research” demonized in the future. We might even see policy to undermine or destroy other, competing research. We could see an embrionic guru come forth; a person of prominence who will show us a fantastic movie to convince us that without this research we will all run the risk of devistating consequence. We will likely see embrionic exchange banks and trade schemes. The UN will absolutely need to become involved…our survival depends on it and universal taxes will definitely be required. International courts will be established so that anyone opposing the destruction of embrios can be tried as criminal “deniers”. The possibilities are endless…get out the colored markers…it’s time to start stocking up on pro-destruction posters so we’ll be ready for the rally!

Government doesn’t need to be in the business of funding research. Private sector funding would follow whatever path shows the most promise for breakthroughs and progress and that actually does rely on “sound science.

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