O’Donnell Verses The Good Ol’ Boys

by Jack Lee

There sure is a lot in the news today about the RNC, but almost all of it is bad and what is worse it’s self-imposed. What could be more frustrating for your average Republican voter than to watch your side being led away from victory by beltway insiders who are on the wrong track?


The latest testament to being on the wrong track comes from the Delaware Senate primary where Christine O’Donnell (shown left) defeated Congressman Mike Castle. Castle was another good old boy, a traditional pork spending, deal making, self-serving old style Republican insider and he was flatly rejected by the Tea Party groups who ultimately decided the outcome.

They wanted a more principled, idealistic candidate, one that is untainted by big campaign contributions from special interests. This is why O’Donnell appealled to them despite her obvious lack of experience. However, because Castle was very well connected within the party establishment this got O’Donnell rebuffed after her upset victory.

The party leaders wanted their man Castle and they were outraged that some upstart would challenge him and win! They foolishly told her they couldn’t support her – even though she was the Republican voter’s choice. This demonstrates how narrow minded and out of touch those old party leaders are and they are the ones that need to go, right along with Castle.

Besides trying to elect traditional [insider] candidates, they are obsessed with retaking the 50 seat majority in the Senate and the GOP leaders are willing to do whatever it takes to win, even if this means climbing in bed with rich RINO’s who can buy an election, or working closely with D.C. insiders and their deal makers.

This is NOT how you bolster the party image or win elections! This junk does not resonate with the average voter. They are fed up with RINOs, they’re looking for a candidate willing to support core conservative values. Our Butte County Chairman just finished saying this last week right here! As for the deal makers, Rino’s, King Makers and wealthy elitists, the Tea Party people could care less about them! They are not Republican loyalists and the party better figure this out quick. Tea Party patriots WANT and DEMAND candidates who will live, eat, sleep and breathe fiscal responsibility and exude fundamental conservative idealism!!! How hard is that for our RNC to understand? The Tea Party groups keep saying it over and over – and they keep winning elections for candidates who are not establishment Republicans – does the RNC leadership live in a vacuum, I’m beginning to wonder?

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11 Responses to O’Donnell Verses The Good Ol’ Boys

  1. Tina says:

    I understand she received $1 Mil yesterday in online donations…that should tell them something. Some people have the hardest heads!

  2. Peggy says:

    At first I was shocked to hear Carl Rove say O’Donnell couldnt win in November. Now Im outraged. How dare he join forces with the democrats by taking the necessary votes away from someone republicans have chosen to represent them.

    I agree Rove and all the good-old-boys do not want her because their buddy was voted out. But, she and many more will win elections because they represent those individuals we want. We may not take control of congress this election, but will in 2012. And if not 2012, we will in 2014.

    For the record it is common practice for every college and university to put a hold on a student until every financial obligation is met. I used to award degrees to students, and if they had an outstanding loan or a library fine for an overdue book they didn’t get their diploma or even a copy of their transcripts. There are probably tens of thousands of individuals who have been delayed in getting their diplomas and can relate to her situation. Shame on Rove for acting like she was worse than the current members of congress under ethics investigation.

    If the RNC will not back her financially, I will directly send my donations to her and to every candidate they wont. Id rather support a true conservative instead of having my money help put another RHINO in office again.

    The RNC needs to wake up and soon. Time is running out.

    I have only two more words to say, Scott Brown.

  3. Harriet says:

    When I heard she was late in repaying student loans, I shrugged, heck she paid it. How many in congress still owe their loans,, or those with the “barbs” outstanding student loans has been a problem for years, nothing new.
    She took care of it. People in this administration did not pay their taxes either, along with some in congress…
    If she were a democrat nothing would be said.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Peggy you said it m’dear and I’m with y-o-u!

    Rove was out of line and I think this is because he’s been in Washington too long, hanging out with big establishment republicans, not the grass roots voters.

    I say we stand or die by our core values and only support honest, conservative men and women of high principles. We have nothing to lose when you think about it because we’ve gained nothing by electing Republicrats or billionaires looking for a new hobby.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    By the way, Mike Castle voted for TARP… let that be a lesson for other republicans who may think of straying.

  6. Steve says:


    Tom McClintock has said it repeatedly, that although Republicans may very well take back Congress this year, they don’t necessarily deserve it.

    The good news about O’Donnell’s victory and the victory of other conservative outsiders over establishment republicans is that there will be less chance of the next year’s congress screwing things up. Castle was a left of center republican and would have voted with Obama and the democrats way too much. Eventually he would have voters mad at republicans again. This is a long term victory to root out someone like that. It is also indicative of a paradigm shift, not only in the republican party but in America. Republicans are suddenly winning in Massachusets, New Jersey, Virginia. Our country is waking up and seeing things in a new light.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    An excellent observation Steve. I really like McClintock, he’s a lot like Newt.

    Some days its the republicans on the carpet and some days its the democrats. This is why the Tea Party exists as it does, to be flexible and hold the party in power accountable. I’m hoping more people out here will begin to understand that vital role and not think of the TP as an extension of the GOP, because it really isn’t.

  8. Tina says:

    The TP is an extention of the founding fathers. The TP is a force to bring America back into alignment with its founding principles. The TP is about pressing all representatives to act keeping those Constitutional principles in mind as they deliberate and write law. The TP is about saving America…not politicians, parties, or government!

  9. Peggy says:

    The founding fathers had very little if any experience in running a country, but were able to come up with a plan that was intended to provide us with a governance system that would guarantee we would not be ruled by any individual or group of individuals. We the people were supposed to be in charge and those we elected were to serve at our will.

    Through apathy and a subversive take over we have given up our rights to rule ourselves to elitist who dole out our entitlements to the point we are acting like a pack of dogs fighting over a bigger piece of a bone.

    I have one vote and that vote will go to someone who believes in the system our founding fathers believed in, if they have no experience or they have a proven track record. I will no longer vote for anyone just because they have an R after their name. Those days of voting the party ballot are gone, because the republican party stopped representing my values. Hope others believe as I do and will vote the same.

  10. Peggy says:

    Here is a really good article from Redcounty.com by Larry Kudlow.

    Mock the Tea Party at Your Own PerilBy
    Larry Kudlow
    9/17/10 | 6:38 PM EDT

    This past week I gave a speech to a group of investors. The organizer of the event e-mailed me the night before, asking that I please try to be optimistic. Well, that’s my usual habitat. But optimism has been hard for me this year. Our muddle-through economy and lackluster stock market, challenged by so many taxing, spending, and regulating problems coming out of Washington, are the reasons why.

    In fact, until recently, I’ve been advising people to take profits in the stock market, rather than buy-and-hold. You should keep your money before the Obama IRS takes it from you.

    But following the tea-party primary victories in Delaware, New York, and New Hampshire this week, I’m once again getting energized.

    Free-market capitalism is on the comeback trail. That’s one of the key tea-party messages. And make no mistake about it: The free-market power of the tea-party political revolt is totally bullish for stocks and the economy.

    In short, this is a revolution.

    The political elites in both parties don’t get it. Nor do the mainstream media. But the tea-party movement is stopping Obamanomics dead in its tracks. And it will overturn the Keynesian big-government planning effort now in full force in our nation’s capital. The tea parties are Reaganism reincarnate, and then some.

    It’s all there in the Contract from America: Limited government, individual liberty, economic freedom. Defund Obamacare. No tax-and-nationalize energy scheme. Stop the tax hikes and move to a flat-tax system. No special favors and subsidies. No crony capitalism.

    Oh, and let me underscore the tea-party revolt against runaway government spending and debt-creation. No TARP. No stimulus. No Obamacare. No Bailout Nation for GM, Fannie, Freddie, and AIG. Instead of federal spending running up to 25, 26, or 27 percent of GDP, look for our new tea-party representatives to move it back to 20 percent of the economy, or even less.

    There’s a great story in Friday’s Wall Street Journal called “Tea Party’s Rise Gives Business Pause.” The thrust is that big businesses and their K Street lobbyists are worried that special tax breaks and subsidies for Wall Street, timber, fast food, road building, energy, farming, autos (such as cash for clunkers for the car lobby), and housing (including homebuyer tax credits for the realtor and homebuilder lobbies) will be blown away by the new tea-party representatives. Well, they should be worried.

    Quoted in the article, Raul Labrador, the tea-party-backed House candidate from Idaho, says he opposes all government programs that help one segment of business over another. “I’m against all of them,” he tells the Journal. “I don’t think the government should be picking winners and losers. We should have taxes low for everybody, and not just for a particular industry or segment.”

    In other words, this is not going to be your father’s Congress. Nor is it going to be your father’s Republican party. The party of George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush is about to be totally transformed. Constitutional spending limits. Low flat-tax rates. Slam-downs on budget baselines. Pitchforks maybe, but not pork.

    A few months ago I wrote about the emergence of a new free-market nucleus, motivated by tea-party ideals, in the Republican caucus of the Senate. That nucleus is set to grow. And that’s exactly why I’m getting more optimistic.

    The new blood includes Carly Fiorina from California, Ken Buck from Colorado, Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania, Rand Paul from Kentucky, John Boozman from Arkansas, Mike Lee from Utah, Marco Rubio from Florida, Joe Miller from Alaska, Kelly Ayotte from New Hampshire, John Raese from West Virginia, and Linda McMahon from Connecticut. And who knows, maybe even Christine O’Donnell from Delaware.

    They will join free-market Senate stalwarts like Jim DeMint, Tom Coburn, John Thune, Jon Kyl, Richard Shelby, and Jeff Sessions. Again, I repeat, this will not be your father’s Republican Senate. This is a new transformational breed. This is a free-market revolution powered by the tea party. Along with a likely Republican takeover in the House, we could be looking at a free-market Congress, something I never dreamed possible.

    The new tea-party breed in Washington will unleash entrepreneurship and capitalism by holding back the government tide. In other words, folks, tea-party economics are very bullish

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