The Tea Party Verses the Status Quo

by Jack Lee

The Tea Party is founded in idealism, just like America. It’s never been about a rich class verses a working class or ethnicity. This is why it’s so widely accepted by so many and it’s so easy to support once you understand their purpose. And here’s the kicker, it’s just gone to a new level of power, giving voters a new voice. Across America there are hundreds of state and federal candidates that identify with the Tea Party movement and come January we expect to see about three dozen or more newly elected Congressmen added to the ranks of Tea Party caucus in Congress. The Tea Party caucus is already an important factor within the House and it’s soon going to be impossible to get any legislation though without thier support and this all started at the grass roots. This is people power at its best.


What is surprising to me is our mainstream media still seems to not understand what the Tea Party is all about. In my opinion, its an energy force made up of frustrated, unhappy voters and people so fed up they are willing to look at any alternative. They are also disenfranchised blue dog democrats tossed out by the radicals in the Democratic Party. Many are traditional independent voters, Libertarians looking for a podium and strong conservative Republicans that feel the party has left them behind. These people and many more are all united behind the Tea Party banner of responsible, accountable, fiscal conservatism.

Many adversaries have tried to label the Tea Party with ugly slurs, glibly calling them racist or rich elitists as they try to invoke that old class warfare pitch. This far left opposition always tries to use a broad brush to define them as something other than what they really. But, they have all failed because the truth is stronger. You can’t label the Tea Party patriots beyond their core principles that bonds them. Sure, on a macro level you’ll find whatever ugly example you may be looking for because the Tea Party has a lot of individual diversity that is not endorsed. As individuals in any organization there is going to be a much broader spectrum of values and ideas than the organization itself, but the Tea Party movement is, and has always been, about one thing: Fiscal conservatism and an accountable government, nothing more and nothing less. This idealism stands the test of time and critics and its why this movement has endured and grown.

The Tea Party is currently challenging the old Republican Party power structure that has drifted toward pursuing self-interests or purely partisan interests at the expense of national interests and the greater good and has too often recruited and supported RINO’s. Those party leaders and their RINO candidates have failed too many times to deliver on their promises, or as some might say, they don’t walk their talk. Voters have had enough of that deceit and this is why the Tea Party is a direct threat to this select group of self serving beaurocrats with the party.

If the GOP’s rank and file doesn’t repair this breach of ethics then the Republican Party is destined for another round of failure from which it may never recover. The 2010 election will be the tipping point for the GOP and so far it looks like the good guys are winning.

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13 Responses to The Tea Party Verses the Status Quo

  1. Quentin Colgan says:

    The TEA party is funded by corporate interests.
    The current problems in America can be traced directly to our government’s cozy–Hell, incestuous–relationship with corporations.
    When you can explain to us how corporate interests are going to help free us from the bonds of corporate interests, maybe people will start to listen to you.

  2. Tina says:

    Quentin your claim that the current problems in America can be traced” to “incestuous relationships with corporations” is interesting. I think you’ve implied as much before but I don’t recall that you have ever explained what you mean by that or offered evidence to support it. If you will, our readers might benefit from whatever you could share that would make the point.

  3. Tina says:

    Jack it’s about founding principles and freedom isn’t it? It’s about insisting that government scale back to it’s original purpose. It’s also a kind of pact that says we Americans want to encourage and promote personal, individual responsibility.

    This is not a small undertaking. It will require dedication over many generations if it’s even possible at all.

    Like you I am heartened by the enthusiasm and dedication of the current TP members. I just hope we don’t give up!

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Quentin, where is the TP funded by corporate interests? Please name the corporations and tell us the amount and who got the money?

    I didn’t see the money, my Chico group didn’t see it and I don’t know anyone who received any corp money, we just operate like every other TP group that I know… on little donations from members. We are as free and independant as they come.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Exactly Tina, the TP is about respecting the Constitution and the original intent of the founders to preserve as much freedom as possible while restraining crime and corruption.

    We could have a 98% crime free society if we wanted, but we would have almost no freedom

    So there is it, this direct relationship between controlling a society from the top down, even for good reasons, and it’s impact on individual liberties. It’s always been that way, some freedom has always been sacrificed for security. Our only delima has been how much are willing to sacrifice and there seems to be a growing divide between the two camps of those seeking security and those trying to hold on to freedom.

    As conservatives, obviously we wish only to keep government at minimum. We think gov. should provide only those things it was originally tasked to do in the Constitution, but Pandora’s box was opened long ago, with good intentions, and now it’s a matter of simply trying to resist the constant drift into the depths of socialism. Along with socialism comes wealth shifting policies that destroys businesses and entrepenuers alike and makes all people more and more dependant on government to solve their problems and provide everything for them.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Tina’s : Quentin your claim that the current problems in America can be traced” to “incestuous relationships with corporations” is interesting. I think you’ve implied as much before but I don’t recall that you have ever explained what you mean by that or offered evidence to support it. If you will, our readers might benefit from whatever you could share that would make the point.

    Yes Mr. Colgan, please expound. Now is your time to shine.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Pie, I think he was already shining us on..,. hehehe

  8. Casey Aplan says:

    The tea party, like its name implies from the original act, started as a serious pre-revolutionary movement. Since Obama was “elected” it devolved into a Republican stump, as if voting Republican was the only alternative. Originally it wasn’t partisan. It wasn’t even about voting. It was about torches and pitchforks. Now it’s about news TV and campaign pitches.

  9. Tina says:

    Casey Aplan: “Since Obama was “elected” it devolved into a Republican stump…”

    Hmmm…my recollection is that the TP movement came to life well after Obama was elected. What’s this devolve business? Also many of the TPers are republicans…you got a problem with that? Others are Democrats and Independents.

    “…as if voting Republican was the only alternative.”

    It’s not the only alternative but in most cases it is the only alternative that even remotely tracks with the TP ideals.

    “Originally it wasn’t partisan.”

    Still isn’t. Tea partiers are individuals who make individual decisions.

    “It wasn’t even about voting. It was about torches and pitchforks.”

    Ooooo, that sounds like a racist slur, was it meant to be?

    When holding legislators accountable sometimes pitchforks are required to get their attention…you can’t blame the person with the pitchfork! These people are supposed to be SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE! Pleasant letters and faxes just haven’t worked. In fact the arrogance of those who claim to represent us has been demonstrated quite well on You Tube.

    “Now it’s about news TV and campaign pitches.”

    Fighting fire with fire…it’s a political tradition. To paraphrase Obama, “They bring a knife, we bring a gun”.

  10. Chris says:

    Casey: ” Since Obama was “elected” ”

    Ooh, scare quotes! Of course Obama wasn’t actually elected. He was “elected!” Booga booga!

    Tina: “Hmmm…my recollection is that the TP movement came to life well after Obama was elected”

    I think Casey may be referring to the “Tea Parties” that were held by libertarian groups, dating back a few years before Obama’s election. I don’t know if the current Tea Party grew out of that, but by now it is certainly a very different entity.

    “Ooooo, that sounds like a racist slur, was it meant to be?”

    Um…since you have given me the title of “PC word cop,” I think I should be qualified to judge whether or not something sounds like a racial slur. I don’t see that at all here. Maybe if he had used the word “lynching,” it would have racial connotations, but it still wouldn’t be a “slur.”

  11. Post Scripts says:

    Casey nice to see you join in the debates here! Will enjoy seeing how it goes with the folks. Please feel free to weigh in on any subject anytime!

  12. Tina says:

    Chris: “Um…since you have given me the title of ‘PC word cop,’ I think I should be qualified to judge whether or not something sounds like a racial slur. I don’t see that at all here. Maybe if he had used the word ‘lynching,’ it would have racial connotations, but it still wouldn’t be a ‘slur.'”

    Absolutely weigh in any time. In this case how about racially charged innuendo might that follow?

    I got curious and put torches and pitchforks into a search engine. I found this on Daily Kos:

    Just got back from the Philadelphia Health Care town hall held at the National Constitution Center this afternoon at 3 pm. Figured I’d share a few impressions for whatever it’s worth. ** I didn’t take a rough count, but it seemed like a decent sized crowd. They ran out of chairs, and so I took a seat on a ledge near the back of the gathering. ** The anti-health care reform folks were out in force. Lots of people with blue stickers that said “Tell Washington No.” I saw a few red Tea Bagger shirts and one fellow in a faux-Colonial hat wearing a T-shirt that said something about torches and pitchforks keeping America safe since 1791 or such. There were also a number of folks from the SEIU who were pro healthcare for all, and they were handing out stickers. (emphasis mine)

    A number of results reference Glenn Beck associated with a torches and pitchforks T-shirtso maybe our friend, Casey, is a Beck fan:

    Do love freedom? Are you fed up with do-nothing politicians? Do you wear clothes? Perfect! Glenn has a brand new t-shirt that is sure to satisfy 100% of your needs and finally make your life complete! ** Its “Torches and Pitchforks–Protecting Americans From Politicians Since 1791.” Sure, signing petitions is one thing, but nothing sends your message home quite like fire and a pointed farm implement.

    I may have misunderstood since I dont follow Beck.

    Caseyif youre out there, Id like to know what you meant by torches and pitchforks and if I misunderstood and insulted you, I apologize. We do encourage differing points of view on Post Scripts and you are welcome to post anytime.

  13. Quentin Colgan says:

    ‘Who are these corporations?’

    So, you’re saying you’re in bed politically with people you don’t know?
    You don’t know WHO gave 5K to buy your billboards?
    Don’t you think you SHOULD know?
    According to hate radio, WHO you associate with is very important.

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