Fiorina Hospitalized!

by Jack Lee


Carly Fiorina (shown left) was scheduled to appear in Chico next Saturday, but she was hospitalized yesterday for a serious infection. Fiorina underwent a double mastectomy for breast cancer last year and it appears complications from this are causing a problem.

It could not have come at a worse time, she’s fighting to take control away from one of the worst performing Senators in California’s history and the poll numbers are still teetering back and forth. I can’t begin to imagine what Fiorina felt like when she was told she must stand down and be hospitalized to fight this infection. She’s been such a tenacious campaigner and she was just about to unseat a career tax and spend politician. But, let’s not count her out yet. Any woman who can bounce back from cancer and a double mastectomy like she did deserves our support and her rock solid conservative politics deserves our vote. She’s a fighter and that’s the kind of representative we deserve not Barbara Boxer the check bouncing ultra-lib. She’s had 28 years to get it right, time’s up.

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3 Responses to Fiorina Hospitalized!

  1. Tina says:

    She’s got my vote…God Bless and God speed her recovery.

  2. Tina says:

    LOL…that was quick! I just heard she has been released from the hospital! Great news.

  3. Libby says:

    Yes, very sympathy engendering, four days to the election (call me a cynic), or a very artful way of throwing in the towel.

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