Herger’s Marijuana Resolution – An Act of Courage

by Jack Lee

In today’s news the ER reported Wally Herger introduced a resolution in Congress to step up enforcement against gun toting pot growers on federal forest lands. Mr. Herger cited the influx of Mexican cartels members involved in the production of marijuana on our park lands, making them off limits to visitors. Normally you wouldn’t think a resolution is a big deal, but this one was because it is sure to draw attention from the deadly cartels.

Mr. Herger and nine cosponsors attempted to pass an earlier resolution on July 20th, 2010. His latest resolution did not mention the original cosponsors, for reasons not disclosed. I’m wondering if they had second thoughts about putting their names on something so controversial that it’s sure to anger the cartels?


Mr. Herger (shown left) now stands alone as the one legislator responsible for the defiant resolution against the Mexican Drug Cartels.

You can bet they now know his name and probably where he lives and works. In Mexico such an act of defiance would likely see the legislator cut down in a hail of bullets as he drove to work or worse. We’ve seen offices bombed, judges murdered, legislators assassinated and even their close family members kidnapped, tortured and murdered just to teach people not to interfer with their dirty drug business.

Here’s a recent example of what I’m talking about, “VERACRUZ, Mexico – A mayor-elect, a former legislator and their driver were kidnapped and murdered in the eastern Mexican state of Veracruz, officials said. The three men were abducted by gunmen at a restaurant in Isla. The gunmen forced Barradas, Manzur and Landa into an SUV that was found a few hours later in Tuxtepec, a city in neighboring Oaxaca state, with the victims’ bodies inside.

Thirteen mayors have been murdered this year in Mexico, where drug cartels have been targeting municipal and state officials in different parts of the country.”

Mr. Herger knows the dangers implied anytime you offend Mexican drug cartels and he has stood up and defied them anyway. He has no bodyguard, carries no gun, wears no bullet proof vest, and he is an easy public target. He knows the risks. He knows how these cartels operate and yet he did it for us…

and he went after these murderers in the strongest way he knew how.

You have to admire that kind of courage, whether you agree with the current pot laws or not. Congressman Wally Herger took a brave stand against the deadly Mexican Cartels and I’m proud of him. Somebody had to do it and I’m glad it was our Representative.

Voting against the resolution was Barney Frank-D, Dennis Kucinich-D, Ron Paul-R, and Jared Polis-D from Colorado. Paul (a Libertarian posing as a Republican) voted no because he wants to legalize drugs, so his position is understandable to a degree. But, what about the other three? I think the people deserve to know why they failed to vote yes to protect Americans. What good reason would these Congressmen have for not supporting a resolution to remove the Mexican cartels from US park lands?

Not voting to protect American citizens from the Mexican Cartels was ….

Davis (AL)
Gordon (TN)
Hall (NY)
Kilpatrick (MI)
Kirkpatrick (AZ)

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14 Responses to Herger’s Marijuana Resolution – An Act of Courage

  1. Quentin Colgan says:

    So, Herger either ignored history, or chose not to learn from it.
    Oh well, if it gets us a new Congressman . . . . . .
    OTOH, I DO care about the innocents who will be murdered because of Wally’s stupidity.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Quentin, you may well get your wish. These guys he is messing with have no fear of killing anyone, especially when someone is threatening their livelyhood. Wally is officially a target and he knows it. I say good for Wally, this may be the most courageous thing he’s ever done.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: Quentin Colgan | December 10, 2010 10:07 AM | Reply

    Just when I thought Colgan could not possibly creep any lower he writes about the threat to Herger’s life, “Oh well, if it gets us a new Congressman”.

    Next up: Two more class acts — Libby and Joe Shaw.

  4. Harriet says:

    I also applaud his effots, good for him.

    Quentin, what would you do if you were our Congressman?
    The article discusses not only the Cartels, but what they leave behind the filth, debris, very bad for the environment; but then, pictures were shown on our southern border of garbage strewn there too, alot of it. No one seems to care other than the folks who live there.

  5. Tina says:

    Quentin…exactly what history do you think Wally Herger ignored or chose not to learn?

    There are those who have chosen to ignore the black hats in the world. In some scenarios they are considered misunderstood, officer Krupke! Or simply victims of a bad childhood, a bad neighborhood, or falling in with the wrong crowd. Meanwhile the guys in the white hats are considered villians. In an upside down world like that it makes perfect sense to celebrate the possibility of “a new Congressman”.

    You hit the nail on the head, Pie…it’s “creepy”…and sick!

  6. Harold Ey says:

    Q ,with all due respect to defending ones right to free speech, there are opportunities that come along every day like;
    ‘You will have many opportunities in life to keep your mouth shut: You should take advantage of every one of them’. (a quote by Thomas Edison)
    What you inferred is the issue ,not so much how you said it. This could be your watershed moment and the beginning of a very, very low belief of your opinions on anything.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Well said Harold! (Jack)

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Excellent points Harriet. I’ve seen that trash in pictures and it’s amazing how much there is and how it has spoiled the land. Hoping you will join us and send Wally a thank you.

  9. Harriet says:

    Actually I already do send Wally e-mails, will also do it this time.
    He usually votes the way I would vote,from time to time I let him know.

  10. Joe Shaw says:

    Pie, at least Libby, Quentin, and Joe Shaw are not afraid to use a real name! I read PS because Jack and Tina are interesting and thoughtful writers. Sometimes I respond because I think it makes the dialgue more interesting when an alternative point of view is offered. I welcome the same thing on my blog. Yea, we all get a little heated now and then, but that’s part of the fun! Would you rather that nobody offered an opposing view point? Wouldn’t that be a little boring? Opposing view points are good because they force the writer to clarify their positions. If Jack or Tina ever asked any of us “liberals” to quit responding, I’m sure we would all stop. Let me ask you this Pie….do you want us to stop? And if you do, do you think we SHOULD because you want us to? Perhaps you wouldn’t mind clarifying your position on this?

  11. Chris says:

    This is a brave move, no doubt, but I still believe the only truly effective solution to this problem is federal legalization of marijuana. Nothing would hurt the cartels more than this.

  12. Libby says:

    Wally is a pea-brain, and didn’t we all know it?

    Cutting off park funding with one hand and making military blandishments with the other: UnAmerican, that is.

    Hendy Woods State Park needs funding to deal with the unhealthful microbes that have gotten into its elderly water storage system. Mexican drug cartels enter nowhere into it.

    Wise up, citizens!

  13. Tina says:

    Hendy Woods STATE Park can use STATE funds, thank you very much! Of course those too have already been spent, and spent and spent…so, too bad…too late!

    Your complaints should be directed toward those who really love to waste and spend and waste and spend…the jerks with visions of bottomless bank accounts that have been steering, pushing, and shoving this stinkin, sinking ship!

    Wise up? Take a memo!

  14. Pie Guevara says:

    Joe Shaw replied to comment from Pie Guevara | December 11, 2010 11:28 AM | Reply

    Pie, at least Libby, Quentin, and Joe Shaw are not afraid to use a real name! Blah, blah, blah … Let me ask you this Pie….do you want us to stop?

    Heck no, Joe, I don’t want you to stop. That is THE LAST thing I want you to do.

    You, Quentin, and Libby are always such a class act. You sneer, you insult, you twist, you spin, you misrepresent, you hack, you fashion straw men and whip them. Pure, unadulterated entertainment. I would no more want you to go away than I would want The Three Stooges banned.

    I was just expecting to hear you chime in on Quentin Colgan’s death wish for Wally Herger.

    I suppose I will have to be satisfied with the (also anonymous) Libby’s comment he is a pea-brain.

    How does that work for you, Joe? Do you want to see the “pea-brain” dead too?

    Just wondering.

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