Weird Science


This weird internet find was too good not to share.

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4 Responses to Weird Science

  1. Joe Shaw says:

    This suggests that the universe as we know it could be but a brain cell inside a much larger entity which suggests that there could be a whole universe within each cell of our bodies which suggests that….God may truely be much more than we could ever possibly imagine!

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Liberal Brain Cell

    Liberal Brain On Drugs

    Liberal Brain Discussing Politics

    Liberal Brain After A Few Years Of Smoking Cannabis

    Liberal Brain After A Decade Of Smoking Cannabis

  3. Tina says:

    The design factor does indeed suggest a creator…or designer. From my perspective, there is nothing weird about it…awesome perhaps!

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Yes, it is pretty mind boggling isn’t it? The infinite possibilities this suggests and then the thought of a connection to all existence everywhere, an eternal connection, it is overwhelming to even try to consider it.

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