Dissing Herman Cain

Posted by Tina

Making a point about race is risky these days but I’m going to try anyway because I read something today that really burned me. It isn’t the first time this has happened. In fact it has happened so often, and with so little little consequence, that I thought it necessary to sound off.

Chauncey DeVega is the dunderhead who thinking himself clever had some very racist and demeaning things to say about Herman Cain, a very successful business man and contender for president in the Republican primary election for 2012. I’ll let his words reveal the ugly slur:

In the immortal words of Megatron in Transformers: The Movie, Herman Cain’s speech at CPAC really is bad comedy. As you know, I find black garbage pail kids black conservatives fascinating not because of what they believe, but rather because of how they entertain and perform for their White Conservative masters.

When race minstrelsy was America’s most popular form of mass entertainment, black actors would often have to pretend to be white men, who then in turn would put on the cork to play the role of the “black” coon, Sambo, or Jumping Jim Crow. Adding insult to injury, in a truly perverse and twisted example of the power of American white supremacy black vaudevillians would often pretend to be white in order to denigrate black people for the pleasures of the white gaze.

Herman Cain-an ironic name if ever, and one more suited to a tragic figure in a Harlem Renaissance era novella-is not “blackening twice” as some race minstrels chose to do.

This creaton had more to say in the same vein but I’ll let you read it or skip it at your discretion.

Speech is free in America so I wouldn’t deny this fool his crazy racist view on any page or forum. What I can’t abide is that too many people in these United States will applaud or be amused by this fool just because Herman Cain is a black conservative.

The speech that sparked this idiocy – Herman Cain’s CPAC speech:

by the way…long live the Funk Brothers

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4 Responses to Dissing Herman Cain

  1. Quentin Colgan says:

    Well, he’s Black all right.
    But, he is NOT a onservative.
    REAL conservatives woulcd not be caught dead at that homage to fascism known as the CPAC convention

  2. Post Scripts says:

    “homage to fascism known as the CPAC convention”? Quentin, that’s a bit harsh don’t you think? I’ve not heard anyone say that before, could there be a reason why not? Like maybe you are overstating your case?

  3. Aunt Nee Nee says:

    Can you imagine the outrage if the same things had been said about Barack Obama when he ran for President? Double standard, I’d say.

  4. Tina says:

    Quentin loves to play the fascism card…just like others of his ilk play the race card. Of course he nevewr offers evidence for his charge. Intersting since he’s always lecturing everyone else on “spreading hate or lies”.

    The left needs to be called out on this race garbage. They allow outrageous things like this, and the way they are attacking Clarence Thomas again and at the same time use race to try to defeat TPers.

    You know these people are just cowards lacing in the ability to compete in the arena of ideas.

    Aunt Nee Nee you are exactly right! Thanks for posting your comment. We all need to complain loud and long about this indignity.

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