Chico Happenings…Pay Attention Locals

by Juanita

Happening Downtown – Ann Schwab entertained a notion at the Diversity Committee the other day that city employees be evaluated on the basis of how many “cultural events” they’ve attended in their spare time. Or, she asks, should we just PAY them for events they attend on their own time? Employees who speak languages beyond English should be “recognized,” possibly with extra pay for every time they have to use their extra language (Chico PD already has this provision – it’s part of their “special pay” scam).

Why go all the way to North Carolina when you can get ticked about something your mayor is doing right in your home town?

Hey, what do you think she means by “cultural events”? Tea Party Rally? Silver Dollar Speedway? Glenn County Fair?

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2 Responses to Chico Happenings…Pay Attention Locals

  1. Toby says:

    I have a feeling white English speaking people need not apply. Let’s face it, our culture and cultural events mean nothing to the Left. We are nothing but speed bumps in the road for the Left.

  2. Libby says:

    Well, that’s the sort of blather you have to spout to your “diversity committee”. I think city employees should be evaluated on how well they do their job … period.

    Now on the one hand, a police officer is more effective in her job if she can communicate with the hysterical Mexican in Mexican.

    But if that officer wants to spend her off hours carousing at the Finnish/American Hall, that’s her business, and nobody elses.

    Honestly, you do have to watch these lefties. Civil repression comes in all the colors.

    My sister told me that employees of the Academy of Sciences (the museum) in SF got told off for dissing the new building on a street car! Citizens of this country and say anything they like on a street car! As long as they’re not too loud, and keep it something under 16 hours.

    I just don’t know what this country is coming to!

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