Homeland Security – Your Tax Dollars at Work

by Jack Lee

Sleep tight tonight knowing Homeland Security is on the job and investing in your security:

$200,000 for Project Alert, a school-based drug prevention program
$7,100,000 for forensic support and grants to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
$100,000 for the Child Pornography Tipline
$10,000,000 to Intercity Bus Security to improve security for operators and passengers by providing bus security enhancements and training to bus companies and others
$22,000,000 to the trucking industry security program to promote security awareness among all segments of the commercial motor carriers and transportation community
$2.5 billion for “highway security,” which consists of building and improving roads
$50,000,000 to provide an exercise program that meets the intent of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990
$38 million to fully cover all remaining fire claims from the Cerro Grande Fire in New Mexico
$20,000,000 to renovate the Nebraska Avenue Headquarters of the Department of Homeland Security
$500,000 for a homeland security program at the Morehead State University Institute for Regional Analysis and Public Policy
$22,800 for Mason County, Washington, to buy six radios that are incompatible with county radios
$30,000 for a Tennessee high school to have a defibrillator on hand for a basketball tournament
$98,000 for on training courses by the Tecumseh, Michigan, fire department–that no one attended
$557,400 to North Pole, an Alaska town of 1,570 people, for homeland security rescue and communications equipment
And this from a 2010 expose’ report: “…$350,000 of its $6 billion budget once got spent on a gym; $500,000 went toward artwork and silk plants; and untold millions are spent every year in overhiring, since the determination of when there will be long security lines at an airport has never really been the sort of thing at which the federal government excels. As for the Department of Homeland Security, its 2010 budget came in at $55 billion, some of which (according to economist Veronique de Rugy, writing in 2006) will invariably be spent on things like the $63,000 decontamination unit in rural Washington, where no one was trained to use it; more biochemical suits for Grand Forks County, N.D., than the town has police officers to wear them…”

If this info. has your attention, you’ll want to read this article, titled: Waste, Abuse, & Mismanagement: Calculating the Cost of DHS Failed Contracts”. Check it out here.

Here’s another special report by ABC, take a peek – I dare you! Click here. I once worked for the guy who was the head of California’s Homeland Security. This was the agency that was investigated by ABC – the guy was an anal a-#@$ with no common sense.

I regret that we don’t have the room to print up all the things Homeland has been spending your tax dollars on, geez, that would fill a hundred pages. So, you just take comfort knowing some of these key expenditures that are sure to thwart even the most clever of terrorists.

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7 Responses to Homeland Security – Your Tax Dollars at Work

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    This sort of insane dollar wasting is so typical of the federal government.

    No comfort taken here.

  2. Quentin Colgan says:

    Who knew that the Patriot Act would turn out to be a welfare program for Republican donors?
    Who predicted it would be used as just another way to transfer wealth from the working class to the already-wealthy?
    Who foresaw that the Republicans, when confronted with these truths, would ignore them and cheerlead for “keeping us safe from terror!!!!!” thereby keeping this indiscriminate waste of tax dollars going?
    I did.
    You’re about ten years too late to bitch, Jack!!

  3. Tina says:

    Jack this sounds like pork spending that we all know goes on all the time. So was it homeland funds that were used to fund the por that was tucked into bills or is this in addition to that spending?

  4. Tina says:

    Quentin you’re smarter and better than everyone…happy?

    Of course there is one LITTLE thing…you express no ideas, narry a concept or alternative, about anything. It seems you superiority might be a lie. I guess we could consider that a flaw…but hey other than that, you’re perfect! I’m sure you agree.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    It’s my understanding the funds came directly out of the Homeland Security budget and the Homeland director authorized the money to spent this way.

  6. J Soden says:

    Janet Napolitano is an excellent example of the Peter Principle. She was an adequate federal prosecutor in Phoenix but as an AZ Governor, she kept putting off paying for state services to succeeding years. She skipped out when Obama was elected and AZ was left in a financial mess that continues today.
    Now she’s in DC and evidently following her boss’ $pend, $pend, $pend policies and more regulations.

    2012 can’t come soon enough!

  7. Libby says:

    I know, I know … it doesn’t read very well at all. But you gotta remember that all this nonsense paid for American goods and employed American citizens. What entity but the government is going to pay for $2.5 billion worth of work on the nation’s highways?

    But I can’t see $22.8K for six police radios. We want to employ an auditor to see if we can’t get some of that back.

    It’s called human enterprise, people. And if you think corporate enterprises run any more efficiently, you is most astoundingly ignorant.

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