Romney Leads Obama!

The Pew poll had Obama in the lead by 51% to 43%; now, Romney has a 49% to Obama’s 45%. That’s a simply unprecedented reversal for a candidate in October.

Before Obama had leads on every policy issue and personal characteristic; now Romney leads in almost all of them. Obama’s performance gave Romney a 12 point swing! That is amazing.

Romney’s favorables are above Obama’s now. Can you believe it? Romney’s favorables are higher than Obama’s right now going into the final stretch. The gender gap was Obama’s firewall and it was over in one night. But, that does not necessarily change the electoral votes. That situation remain bleak for Romney.

President Obama continues to hold a lead over Mitt Romney in most of the key states listed below, which gives Obama a 332-206 lead in the Electoral College vote. The last update gave Obama 347 votes, compared to 191 votes for Mitt Romney. California has a whopping 55 electoral votes and it’s a winner-take-all state and all our electoral votes will go to Obama.

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5 Responses to Romney Leads Obama!

  1. Joseph says:

    Poor, poor Romney. He has a real up hill battle. He may very well win the popular vote and lose the election.

    I think it’s likely things will pretty much stay the same with Obama winning and the make up of Congress not changing much.

    And in California the Demoncrats may get a two-thirds majority in the legislature and then they can pass as many tax increases as they want.

    And imagine four more years of Schwabola and a Lando sales tax increase to boot.

    Things are looking pretty gloomy.

  2. Jim says:

    Elections are all about turnout. Right now, the Republican base is energized. If Obama sleeps through the next debate, he might as well concede the election.

    Personally, I’m more concerned about getting Schawb and company out of the City Council.

  3. Tina says:

    And then there’s the opinion of a couple of University of Colorado professors. Their predictions have been accurate in the past and they say Romney wins:

    A presidential election prediction model developed by two University of Colorado professors points to a big win for GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney in November.

    The model, the only of its kind to use more than one state-level economic indicator, has correctly predicted the winner of every presidential election since 1980.

    It predicts Romney winning the electoral college by a 320-218 margin and winning 52.9 percent of the popular vote when only the two major parties candidates are considered, the Associated Press reported Thursday.

    Also the Las Vegas oddsmaker predicts a Romney win:

    Im predicting a 5 to 7 point popular vote victory. Electorally it wont even be that close. Romney will win many states that went to Obama in 2008. Im predicting Romney victories in Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Virginia, Iowa, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Indiana. I predict a Romney victory by 100 to 120 electoral votes.

    At least we don’t have long to wait!

  4. Peggy says:

    There is a national prayer chain at 9pm east coast and 6pm west coast every night for one minute to unite the nation in praying for our contry’s salvation.

  5. Peggy says:

    Americans are Not better off today!

    Growth & Welfare Participation Over the Last Four Years Is Terrible

    The Senate Budget Committee Republican staff under Ranking Member Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) on Thursday released a chart that should have you worried:

    The numbers reflect the change in the total number of people employed and the total number of people on the two largest federal welfare programs, as well as Social Security Disability Insurance, between 2008 and 2012, the senators report explains.

    The employment figure was derived using the total nonfarm and seasonally adjusted number of people employed in December of 2008 (134.4 million) and the number of people employed in September 2012 (133.5 million) as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the report adds.

    Rest of article and chart here:

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