Got A Couple of Political Questions for Ya…

by Jack
Just a couple of questions for our very intelligent and well informed readers:  First, do you think Michelle Obama is going to make a run for president in 2016 with Hillary Clinton?  I’m hearing that lately.  Quite a few people seem to think this is now a possibility and it could explain her recent flurry of public appearances.   If she is thinking about a career in politics she may want to consider being a community organizer first,  although I’m sure her supporters would argue that being first lady makes her automatically qualified.   God help us if she runs and SHE could be either Hillary or Michelle.

Next, do you think the Pres went too far scaring the American public with dire predictions if sequestration was implemented?   If you listen to his rhetoric it’s definitely been toned down in the last few days.  I remember his now heavily criticized speech where he said that the FBI and air traffic controllers will be furloughed, that seniors won’t get their meds and all sorts of horrible things, now it’s (and I am paraphrasing)… you may not notice the cuts in the first few weeks or months, but the cuts will have a negative impact on the economy.   Wow Barry that’s almost a 180!  I submit the American economy is only struggling because of Obama’s policies (Obama-care) and all the wasteful, misdirected, do nothing spending, not to mention his lousy leadership.

Can’t wait for the big day tomorrow…that’s when those cuts are scheduled to begin.   I just wish those so-called cuts (that aren’t cuts, but lower raises) were designed NOT TO GROW the freaking national debt by another 2 trillion!

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3 Responses to Got A Couple of Political Questions for Ya…

  1. pal says:

    I was in Boulder, Co prior to the November election.
    There were several bumper stickers on local vehicles that read Obama 2012, Michelle 2016. They were being
    handed out at the local Dem headquarters. I dont know if this was a local thing or not. However, this would not surprise me.

    At this point in time, I have little confidence that the people in America will wise up before it is too late.

  2. Harold Ey says:

    I have no opionion on Michelle running, but after the last election, and the number of voters growing more dependant on Government, and now voting for a living! it certainly is out tof the realm.
    As to the scare tactics Big Zero is using. I am so ashsamed of this President and his blame game politics. I liked a media piece I saw about where 85 billion could be cut without fear or harm to our ecomony, it included everything from robotic squirrels to alcohol for DC politicians. however anyone in the know will reconize those wouldn’t areas scare the public enough,or cause a further split between the ideologs of today, So Obama does what he does best, divide and grin.

  3. Tina says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me at all to see Michelle run…their “work” will never really be finished. She’s got about the same level of experience (zero) as her husband. She shows well on TV and cares about the children, the poor, the disadvantaged (name your cause) and the fat. This is the main quality she brings to the table and that is, apparently, sufficient for most voters today. Besides who could resist the first woman president being a black woman…I mean it would be HISTORIC! Wow, what a cool reason.

    Michelle against Hillary would make for an entertaining primary. Whoa doggies…Hillary against B H Obama was pretty mean; this match could be the cat fight to end all cat fights.

    In don’t know that she’ll run. She seems more likely to want to give Oprah’s record on TV a go. Time will tell.

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