North Korea’s Nuclear War Threat… Why?

USA Today – North Korea has already threatened nuclear strikes on Washington and Seoul in recent weeks. It said Wednesday there was no need for communication in a situation “where a war may break out at any moment.” Earlier this month, it announced that it considers void the armistice that ended the Korean War in 1953.”

I’m not sure anyone knows why North Korea is sabre rattling, but the best guess so far is that their dictator, Kim Jong Un, is on shaky ground with his military leaders.  They could depose him if he doesn’t act tough to keep them at bay.

After threatening to nuke the US, is there anything to top that?  I think not, there’s much else to be said once you’ve threatening nuclear war on the world’s greatest power.  Of course it would be suicidal if they tried and the chances are they don’t have the means to deliver a single warhead, but that’s still the height of threat politics.   The next level has to be to do something, but short of causing an all out war.  In 2010, North Korea sank the South Korean naval corvette Cheonan south of the maritime boundary, killing 46 sailors. That year it also attacked Yeonpyeong Island with artillery, killing four South Koreans and destroying 70 homes and buildings.  I would expect something along these lines to happen, if anything, but war is still a possibility.

Consider that for the first time, South Korea has a new female president and she is expected to play hardball.  Given  the pressure on the two Korean leaders, an accident, a provocation, a miscommunication could take both sides to war and this would involve the US.    The US has just deployed B-2 bombers to South Korea to participate in war games, dropping dummy bombs on a barren South Korean island.  North Korea news reports their people, “burning with hatred” over the B-2 participation.

“How can we pardon the Yankees who hatched even a sinister plot to defame the supreme dignity, which we regard dearer than our own lives, not content with staging madcap nuclear war drills?” Cha Ok Chol, a Korean People’s Army officer said according to the Korean Central News Agency.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (Reuters)

An editorial put out by the KCNA described “hideous politically-motivated terrorism of the US and the South Korean puppet forces targeting the dignified social system in the DPRK”.

North Korea still holds the captured USS Peublo that they claim violated their territorial waters and we claim was in international waters.   No military retaliation was ever taken against North Korea for this act of war.   All of the Navy crew were subjected to torture before being released.

Background on the Pueblo:  On January 23, 1968 the USS Pueblo (AGER-2), Auxiliary General Electronic Research Ship, was attacked, boarded and captured by North Koreans in International waters and taken to Wanson Harbor in North Korea.

“Thus the USS Pueblo became the first United States warship captured without a fight since June 22, 1807, when HMSLeopard forced the USS Chesapeake to surrender off the Virginia capes and impressed four of its crew into the British Navy.” (Brandt, 1969)

During the attack one Pueblo crewman was killed and seven others sustained shrapnel wounds — two of which were serious. The absence of shredding devices or effective destructive mechanisms made the task of completely destroying the electronic equipment and classified material aboard the ship impossible.


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9 Responses to North Korea’s Nuclear War Threat… Why?

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Ever notice how North Korea often sounds exactly like USA progressive Democrats defending the supreme dignity of Obama?

  2. Tina says:

    My opinion: Total lack of strong competent leadership in the United States of America

  3. Tina says:

    Awesome kid, Pie, thanks for sharing his story with us.

    Sadly I fear the teachers this student talks about are as indoctrinated as their students will be…and I don’t think that this situation is driven by random chance but instead, by design.

  4. Libby says:

    NK’s pattern, at this point, is to find an SK boat to sink. If SK is playing it smart, all potential targets have been withdrawn.

    And we’ll see if we can’t show NK up for the completely feeble “wolf crying” fool that it is.

    Or, NK could do something really stupid, nuke-wise. At which point, after a carefully considered marshaling of global resources, NK, as a political entity, will cease to exist.

    I just hope that someone is making it plain to China, that should it fail in its duty to restrain NK, it has no grounds to object to any remedial action.

    And so, there really is no reason for anybody to get fussed, one way or the other. It will be … how it will be.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Well said Libby, quite spot on you are! I’m glad to see we are in strong agreement on this absurd NK thing. That regime is insane if they think they could launch a nuke at anyone and not get many more in return.

  5. Peggy says:

    Pie, What an insightful and mature young man for only being a freshmen in high school.

    “My teachers have always talked about bullying, including bullying homosexuals and how wrong it is. I agree one hundred percent. They shouldn’t be bullied, nor should anyone else. But if homosexuals can get equal treatment, why can’t I? Why can’t my conservative friends? If teachers want bullying to end with homosexuals, other races or religious beliefs, they should want it to end with every type of bullying possible, including political views.

    One-sided political conversations are happening in the classroom with impressionable students at a young age. This has gone on for decades. The problem is, not enough students speak up and speak out about it. The more educated I become, the more I realize the indoctrination that happens is very subtle and may not be noticeable to most students. Slowly but surely, these views seep inside a student’s head. Only a year and a half ago did I realize our country was a Republic, not a Democracy. Why is that? I had been taught otherwise for years prior.

    Teachers presenting a one-sided political view are a problem and they need to be stopped. A school should be a place students can comfortably and safely express their beliefs, learn, grow and form their own opinions. If we want an educated Republic, we need to educate our students in a fair and balanced way.”

  6. Peggy says:

    Some good news for a change.

    Teachers who stomped American flag, Jesus are officially no longer teaching:

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