Republican Policy: How Sam Brownback Is Turning Kansas Around

Posted by Tina

Republican governors across the country are showing how it’s possible to fund needed services while at the same time creating economic stability and budget surpluses. One example is Republican Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas who began his term as governor with projected budget deficits of $500 million and less than $1000.00 in the bank. How did he turn his state around without raising taxes and without harming programs for the needy, education, and basic services? He did it with smart policies and good management of the people’s money! Brownback’s basic philosophy includes:

“…a more focused government that costs less. A taxing structure that encourages growth. An education system that produces measurable results. And a renewed focus on the incredible dignity of each and every person, no matter who they are.”

Since Republicans are always characterized as heartless money grubbers it’s important to summarize the things Brownback didn’t do. He didn’t cut funding to public schools, colleges or universities. He didn’t cut Medicaid or prison funding.

Changes that made a difference include consolidating agencies, offering an early retirement buyout program to state employees, eliminating outdated programs, reducing the cost of running the state, cutting taxes including eliminating the small business income tax entirely.

Brownback’s message is the conservative Republican message:

…a belief in the power of the people more than the control of government. This unleashes the creativity of entrepreneurs and the strength of hope and dreams.

Within two years Governor Sam Brownback has greatly improved his states budget and empowered the people to create a brighter future. Kansas now enjoys a budget surplus of $500 million and an unemployment rate of 5.5%, one of the lowest in the country.

Government has no money but what it takes from the people. Government can only spend without creating huge debt and/or inflation when the private sector is thriving and our elected leaders act responsibly to manage our heard earned tax dollars well. Public debt acts as a drag on private sector dreams and accomplishment. Republicans have a recipe to create stability, opportunity, and advancement for all citizens. If Sam Brownback can turn Kansas around governors of any state can, for that matter, so can the federal government. But it can only be done when polices that work are implementedHistory has shown us what works, we have only to elect people that know how to get the job done.

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2 Responses to Republican Policy: How Sam Brownback Is Turning Kansas Around

  1. Peggy says:

    We need a law requiring our federal gov’t to have a balanced budget too.

    White House Senior Adviser Acknowledges That Obama-Budget Doesn’t Balance …Ever

  2. Dewey says:


    The media may have told you Kansas was doing good but they are not.

    It was all hype. The koch State is in shambles now. maybe we can look at these failures and stop destroying America

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