Shady Surveillance and Government Under Obama’s Leadership

by Tina Grazier

Post Scripts has consistently endeavored to expose the poor character that is evident at the top. At a time when we are threatened by terrorists and cyber warfare our nation desperately needs people of high moral character in government and yet we discover the opposite in various departments under the current administration. The abuse of power that has occurred under President Obama’s leadership is not acceptable. The NSA scandal is just another in a string of similar abuses at the IRS and HHS. This government, led by a man that is more interested in personal and party power than he is the rights of the people, the stability of the nation under the constitution, or the safety of our nation, has failed to serve the people.

Case in point is the 9/11 bombing of the Boston Marathon. According to Michael Daly of The Daily Beast Tamerlan Tsarnaev visited a radical Islamist web magazine regularly and our surveillance team wasn’t interested. Is it because they were too busy looking for…well…that’s what Americans want to know. What were they looking for? Were they snooping on Tea Party organizations, conservative bloggers, or Republican activists instead? Were they mining for information to target political ads in the next election?

The magazine Inspire posts a recipe that was of great interest to Tarnaev: “Build a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom.” He repeatedly visited this site. It is a huge scandal that this attack on Americans that resulted in death, disfigurement, loss of limbs, and head injury was not prevented.

At this point I think it would be good to revisit the manual that guides every political move this administration takes…Rule #12:

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

Under President Obama’s leadership this manual to destroy his political opposition has been taken to grand new heights of moral depravity and abuse. This administration has used the government to target the American people, particularly those who hold opposing political and social views. It appears that instead of surveilling the enemies of our nation, Obama’s activist organizers betrayed the trust given them and used their power to target Americans.

This administration and the Democrat Party have a character problem. A thorough cleansing of every department in government is needed. A fresh look at the size of government is needed! That will require new people in leadership with fresh ideas who are motivated by American values, a desire to serve the people…and most importantly, who are of good character!

Review all twelve of the proudly evil Rules for Radicals here with our thanks to Glenn Beck.

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6 Responses to Shady Surveillance and Government Under Obama’s Leadership

  1. J. Soden says:

    GREAT idea from Representative Steve Stockman (R-Texas) After all, turnabout is only fair play . . .

  2. Tina says:

    Great find J…and Stockman didn’t just have a light bulb moment, he hit the switch on a search light in a letter to Chairman Issa:

    “Recent revelations [show] the National Security Agency has been keeping an ‘ongoing, daily’ log of every domestic phone call in the United States. I respectfully request your Committee subpoena the records of every phone call made from all public and private telephones of all IRS personnel to all public and private telephones of all White House personnel.”

    The lawmaker adds, “If President Obama is collecting such information, he certainly would want us to use it. If he has nothing to hide he has nothing to be afraid of.”

    The gracious and lovely Rep. Maxine Waters, meanwhile, may have given him the idea:


    Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) praised the database she said President Barack Obama created during his presidential campaigns as having “information about everything on every individual” during a Feb. 4 interview on TV One.

    I wondered why I would receive a solicitation from the Democrats….might have been the First Lady…hit the round file (2 points) immediately!

  3. Peggy says:

    Hey Tina & Jack, Heads up, we need to stop the amnesty bill!

    ‘The Republic is at stake’:

    * Don’t count on the House to stop amnesty.
    * And, if amnesty passes it will end our constitutional republic as we know it.

    “I think the master plan of the ruling class that runs Washington, D.C., is to ram this bill through before the American people know what has hit them and before members of Congress even know what has hit them.”

    “This is President Obama’s number one political agenda item because he knows we will never again have a Republican president, ever, if amnesty goes into effect. We will perpetually have a progressive, liberal president, probably a Democrat, and we will probably see the House of Representatives go into Democrat hands and the Senate will stay in Democrat hands.”

    The congresswoman said the political class in Washington, both on the right and on the left, made a decision to have what it calls immigration reform, but it really will be nothing more than amnesty and a disaster for the economy and the country.

    “It’s going to lower wages, lower benefits, bankrupt the United States and take away job opportunities for our kids. This will change our nation forever and the future of our nation. And I think it could very likely mean that we will never again have an opportunity to reclaim our constitutional republic.”

    “I hate to tell people once again you’ve got to rise up, but this is the most important bill we are going to deal with in the next two years, and so, if people are going to weigh in at all, now’s the time.

    “The Republic is at stake.”


    Revolt Among Republicans on Immigration Bill: 70 House Members Risk Careers in Planned Showdown With Leadership:

    Seventy House Republicans are planning a politically risky showdown with Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to try to force additional debate on an immigration bill they say will mean amnesty for illegal immigrants and have dire consequences for the country.

    The 70 members are petitioning for a special Republican conference meeting on the bill, a “highly unusual” move to go head-to-head with the speaker, according to Reps. Michele Bachmann (Minn.), Steve King (Iowa) and Louie Gohmert (Texas), who are serving as spokespersons for the group.

    Call or email your representatives in DC NOW and tell them to vote NO on the amnesty bill!!

  4. Harold Ey says:

    Why stop with the IRS, lets go back to Benghazi or even fast and furious. To bad this wasn’t in place (or was it?) during Obama College years as well as his growth in Chi-town Politics. Be cool to hear some the the “Rightchasss Rev Jackson” phone calls on getting Michelle placed as Government office staff as well. Modern Politics is a lot like any Cancer, just doesn’t happen full blown all at once, it’s quiet and sneaky and spreads throughout every part of a body, human or Government, and it takes an even more painful effort to eradicate the effects of either. Chemo or committees, and then the real resolve, will voter awareness of the problem with a clear understanding of how to prevent its future recurrence be in time?

  5. Tina says:

    Good question Harold. It’s hard to tell how far gone we are since some of us have to be shocked in the wallet before they even begin to notice much less have the informed incentive to act.

    I’m praying for a few surprises come the next election.

  6. Libby says:

    So cute. It was all Peachy-Keen under BushCo. Just … just … go away.

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