Why Every American Family Should Be Responsible for Their Own Finances Rather than Depending on Big Bureaucratic Government – Magical Redistribution of Your Hard Earned Cash!

Posted by Tina

In 2001 the IRS sent…are you ready…$46,378,040.00 in refunds to 23,994 “unauthorized alien workers” at a single address in Atlanta, GA!

I guess that big government database isn’t being used to look out for you and me!

This is a massive error. How many times do you think this happens every single year while legislators scream and cry for more money to be sent to Washington?

Our governments, federal and state, are too big…too unaccountable…and too intrusive! Our governments stick their noses into what should be private business. Our governments are terrible managers of our money.

It’s time to put an end to the federal tax code and replace it with a simplified tax system.

Igor Sill wrote recently:

The US Treasury’s IRS tax code is 68,000 pages and currently geared to diminish the size of your paycheck. At the root is America’s tax code, an outdated archaic mess, having grown to become an unwieldy and ineffective bureaucratic institution. The code is needlessly complex because of deductions, credits, exceptions, endless loopholes and providing special treatment for a few. The tax code contributes to our government’s massive size as a result of this burden of administering its complexity and its ongoing revisions and enforcement. It’s no wonder that folks are up in arms, both our citizenry and legislators.

And it’s no wonder $46,378,040.00 can be distributed by the IRS in such a pathetic case of “whose minding the store? I thought it was you!” at the IRS.

Maybe they were just too busy playing politics and targeting conservatives to bother noticing that more than 23 thousand people (BIG RED FLAG) lived at the same address.

The only way to make certain our money is used as we intend it, and used wisely, is to be the manager of our own monetary affairs…to be the authors of our own financial destiny…to work and strive to pay our own way…and to contribute with a charitable heart to those we can see are in need…personally!

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8 Responses to Why Every American Family Should Be Responsible for Their Own Finances Rather than Depending on Big Bureaucratic Government – Magical Redistribution of Your Hard Earned Cash!

  1. Peggy says:

    When I read this article too I shook my head in disbelief that we were learning of yet another waste of our money by incompetent government workers. This would have never happened in the private sector.

    This report was published last year, therefore, must be for previous year/s. I’m wondering what this years report will show. Will it show corrective measures were taken or will it show nothing was done and more of our hard earned monies was wasted?

    “The TIGTA audit report, published last year at the request of members of Congress, revealed 10 addresses in the U.S. that were issued anywhere from 1,846 to 23,994 tax refunds each. Four of those 10 addresses were located in Atlanta.
    CNSNews.com breaks down the report:

    The IRS sent 11,284 refunds worth a combined $2,164,976 to unauthorized alien workers at a second Atlanta address; 3,608 worth $2,691,448 to a third; and 2,386 worth $1,232,943 to a fourth.
    Other locations on the IG’s Top Ten list for singular addresses that were theoretically used simultaneously by thousands of unauthorized alien workers, included an address in Oxnard, Calif, where the IRS sent 2,507 refunds worth $10,395,874; an address in Raleigh, North Carolina, where the IRS sent 2,408 refunds worth $7,284,212; an address in Phoenix, Ariz., where the IRS sent 2,047 refunds worth $5,558,608; an address in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., where the IRS sent 1,972 refunds worth $2,256,302; an address in San Jose, Calif., where the IRS sent 1,942 refunds worth $5,091,027; and an address in Arvin, Calif., where the IRS sent 1,846 refunds worth $3,298,877.”

    Tina, as long as this administration or future progressive administrations are in charge this practice of distributing our monies to unauthorized, undeserving individuals will continue to occur. It is an approved process within Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform America” by taking what belonged to those who earned it and distribute it to those who didn’t all over the globe.

    Being president of the US is just a stepping stone for Obama. His long-rang goal is to be the head of the UN, which he sees as his rightful throne over the whole world.

  2. Harold Ey says:

    More and more I am seeing the positive side of a flat tax, were everyone pays into the system. The expression of some ‘Skin in the Game’ does have merit in helping people become aware of the abuses that come from a over bloated Government. I have always been a strong believer in self reliance, as well as a hand UP that stimulates Independence from large Government. How ever, Politicians, Federal and local use todays standards of hand OUT’S called entitlements and welfare to falsely create a need for their office’s. All to frequently we hear the negative toward the rich that are accused of not paying their “fair share”, promoted in kind by politicians whom are themselves know tax evaders. Larger Government, double standards, and recently exposed erosion of Constitutional rights.
    You will always be in a better position when you do for yourself, stop letting Large Government do it to you, by expanding entitlements using BS slogans and falsehoods, AMERICA WAKE UP!

  3. Chris says:

    Good lord, people. The tax code did not become so complicated and unweildy because of the all-powerful Poor People Lobby.

    “The code is needlessly complex because of deductions, credits, exceptions, endless loopholes and providing special treatment for a few.”

    The “few” that recieve special treatment are the corporate titans who have Congress in their pocket. You could try to curb this influence by fighting for repeal of Citizens United, or eliminating the huge oil subsidies, or eliminating the loopholes that allow billionaires to put money in tax havens instead of investing in the U.S., or eliminating tax breaks for outsourcing, or taxing capital gains at the same rate as earned income, or lifting the cap on Social Security. Most of these measures would reduce the deficit, which you pretend is the most important issue in this country when it’s convenient.

    But you don’t support any of these things, and instead argue that it’s the poor who should be paying more in taxes, because people who are struggling to put food on the table don’t “have any skin in the game.”

    The Republican party doesn’t just have a branding or messaging problem. Your message just…sucks.

  4. Harold Ey says:

    Seems to me someone has missed the point of this article. It’s not about who is paying, It is about INCOMPETENCY, and the fools who dole out the taxes collected. It isn’t about who has paid in, its about some who are receiving unearned money through Government incompetency. And to those who are paying in, Yes the message does suck, as it is becoming more apparent a penalty to work hard, and make a better life for yourselves, just to watch a bloated Government bureaucracy piss away money through obvious incompetence. But it is a wake up call America, because this may be typical ‘ERROR’ when compared to how many may suffer due to the hurried rush to enact something as flawed as Obamacare. Has this style of incompetency in Government got your attention America, or do you still need another WAKE UP CALL?

  5. Peggy says:

    The frustration of dealing with the incompetent actions of the government and those who support it comes from realizing our civil rights are being violated as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

    Our civil rights to assemble and speak, practice our faith as we believe, and to pursue personal happiness as long as it doesn’t infringe on another’s is being attacked from the street to the Supreme Court.

    The salt in the wound is we’re being forced to pay for the attacks against our own rights.
    Those of us who pay taxes are having our civil rights ignored and violated, and called bigots and racist when we voice our objections by demanding our hard earned money stop being wasted and used only as allowed under our Constitution.

    Martin Luther King demanded his civil rights be honored when our government continued to ignore them. Another wave is building of similar individuals.

    “In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
    Martin Luther King

  6. Tina says:

    We Americans are a bunch of fools. Morality is in short supply! It, or the lack of it, affects every aspect of our lives.

    When it comes to the federal government, we have given the bloated system excessive amounts of control, they continue to show us how ineffective and corrupt the system is, and yet we continue to expand the power and size of government.

    There are no “few” that receive special treatment. Special treatment has been the name of the game!

    Businesses have gotten special treatment in the form of loopholes that make it possible for them to pay less in taxes but mostly they care because they get promises that government won’t make regulations so stupid they end the business! We are approaching a fail safe point on this one. Unfortunately, a few loop holes have given way to massive crony capitalism that puts government in control of entire industries from energy to healthcare.

    Unions have made deals for special treatment and have done so long before corporations could spend money on political advertising! Public sector unions have bankrupted local and state governments…the greed for pension and healthcare benefits at public expense is staggering!

    The poor and minorities have engaged in a huge lobbying effort. The only difference is they don’t have offices on K Street. Instead their lobbyists work through activist organizations…trillions have been spent to uplift and benefit the poor…don’t tell me they haven’t gotten “special treatment”.

    Considering what we have spent, and considering the high sense of ego and entitlement in the education sector the numbers of “the poor” should now be miniscule. Instead the outcomes in this area show our money is being badly managed. (No business would survive with this quality of work!)

    Let’s get real. We should have the freedom to manage our money as close to our own pockets as possible. The federal bureaucracy is out of control!

  7. Southern Comfort says:

    Well Ms Tina, yer as long as yer kick’n up dust down that ol’ road here goes.

    Tax his tractor,Tax his mule,Teach him taxes
    Are the rule. Tax all he has, Then let him know
    That you won’t be done ’til he has no dough. When he’s gone, do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax…nuff said! cause You can put your boots in the oven, but that doesn’t make them biscuits

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