Latest News 27 Jun 2013. An Unpopular Opinion on Bowe Bergdahl

by Jack

It’s a prisoner swap proposal. Four hardcore Taliban leaders in exchange for one US soldier who deserted from a forward base in Afghanistan. Bowe Bergdahl has been held by the Taliban for about four years and now they want a prisoner exchange with the US.

The problem is, the people they want back are not not the kind of people you would want returned to the battlefield. We might get this army deserter back, but at what cost? How many US soldiers will be lost if these killers are sent back to Afghanistan. They never deserted, they’re serving honorably, their parents care just as much about them as Bergdahl’s, why should they have to die to get Bergdahl back?

If the Taliban didn’t have him, he should be in a federal prison doing time, deserting in a combat zone is akin to treason and it’s one of the most despicable offenses a soldier can commit because it places all of his combat brothers at greater risk. And they placed themselves at great risk when they went looking for Bergdahl after he ran away. They took a lot of chances to recover him and that’s not right either. The evidence to date says this person planned well in advance to desert, he left behind his uniform and weapon and was going to go into the hills to avoid his duty. When he placed himself into the hands of the enemy he not only hurt those who have served honorably in our military, but he became an valuable asset to the Taliban.

bergdahlsHere’s a picture of his kookie parents. They say the apple never falls from the tree and in this case it looks about right.  The Dad has taken on the persona of a Taliban.  He even addressed the crowd of supporters in Pashto, Afghanistan’s main language.   Before you feel too sorry for them, remember these parents imparted the kind of values and judgement that led to this soldier being able to rationalize that somehow it’s okay to break his oath of allegiance, to sneak off his base and abandone his bother soldiers, to naively wander into a nearby enemy controlled town and become the captive he is today. 

When you hear the parents talk, you can begin to understand how it was that this young man came by his very strange values.  They are strange people.  It’s totally predictable that the parents accept no responsibility, that they deny to their son did anything wrong, and that they continue to pressure the government to seek his release at any cost…even if means putting other sons and daughters of American’s at risk.

If you read the strange story of Bowe Bergdahl you will see he was no prize before enlisting and he was no prize afterwards. He was an odd ball, a real strange duck and he did something terrible that dishonored his country.   He did what every other soldier before or after his time has managed not to do in Afghanistan…desert and become an asset for the Taliban enemy.  That’s over 900,000 US soldiers who have rotated through Afghanistan and not one of them did what Bergdahl did. 

I’m hoping we won’t give up any prisoners for this individual, but mine is the probably an unpopular view.  Looking at what we have in the White House, it will  probably happen and if we get him back I doubt he will have to face any charges, he’ll be treated like a hero by people who don’t know the whole story or couldn’t grasp it even if they did.   About the only thing he’ll have to worry about is getting his butt kicked by Vet’s who served honorably and think deserters should be shot.

From the UK’s Mail…

The Rolling Stone article, to be published Friday, also quotes other soldiers and associates of Bergdahl’s as saying that he had talked about walking to Pakistan if his deployment was ‘lame’ and that shortly before his disappearance he had asked whether he should take his weapon if he left the base.

Friends and other soldiers describe a survivalist mentality, and Bergdahl’s father, Bob, told the magazine that his son was ‘living in a novel.’

‘The future is too good to waste on lies,’ one email reads. ‘And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong.

In custody: The Taliban released a video of Bergdahl after they captured him and a man holds up the soldier’s dogtags to prove that it is in fact the 26-year-old

Classification: He was initially listed as ‘duty status unknown’ and is now considered ‘missing-captured’

‘The US army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at. It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools, and bullies.

‘The few good (sergeants) are getting out as soon as they can, and they are telling us privates to do the same.’

The emails were provided to the magazine by Bergdahl’s family in Idaho, which has gone public with its own discontent with U.S. efforts to free their son. There is no way to authenticate the emails.

Some of Bergdahl’s reported words read like a suicide note.

‘I am sorry for everything,’ he wrote. ‘The horror that is America is disgusting.’

Questionable clues: Reports emerged in 2010 that a Taliban leader told British officials that Bergdahl was teaching Taliban members how to build and detonate bombs, but the U.S. denied it

He mailed home boxes containing his uniform and books.

In 2010, rumors circulated following allegations made by Taliban leader Haji Nadeem, who said that Bergdahl has been training and helping the Al Qaeda operatives how to make bombs.

Pentagon officials immediately denied the charges, saying that the stories told by Nadeem didn’t ‘hold much water from the get-go’ since he claimed that Bergdahl had weapons and arms on him when he was captured, which is not true.

Both official reports and the Rolling Stone article say that Bergdahl left the base with only a bottle of water and a compass.

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2 Responses to Latest News 27 Jun 2013. An Unpopular Opinion on Bowe Bergdahl

  1. Tina says:

    With the White House security council aides carrying on with known terrorists in a “learning experience” there’s no telling what this administration will do. It probably doesn’t matter much, we have become the laughing stock of the entire world, and a pawn in the jihadist game.

    God bless and keep safe the men and women serving honorably!

  2. Harold Ey says:

    First off, I do not give the Taliban reports any creditability (as read) which puts their reported information on Bergdahl in the same category as Obama and his administration accounts(any one of them)on Benghazi, both are based on deception and suspicion. Simply, the reports do not add up!
    Bergdahl should stay with the people he elected to align himself with, and nothing other than a outright release of Bergdahl by the Taliban (who may have gotten all they can, and are tired of feeding him)without any prisoner exchanges ,so he can stand before a military court on desertion, would be another mis-justice to Americas fighting personnel and citizens by Obama. Maybe the real answer to Obama’s “unwar” is actually engaging it to win or get the hell out, we stand by Israel, engage Iran in a real cold war thats leads to that regimes imploding and let the rest of the middle eastern sort out the problem for themselves. As to Bergdahl, “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” if he was not of this belief, then he could have turned himself into a military court, verse becoming a prisoner of WAR! However I am under the current position that would not have served his plans of disgracing our military and country. Bergdahl has selected what he thought best for him and his needs, he should be allowed to live them freely(pun intended). This sort of reminds me of a Hanoi Jane scenario during the Vietnam era when she tried to politicize our captured men at the Hanoi Hilton, she came across as the betrayer of America and a TRADER, not the men captured, but now like then politics and politicians were more important than Solders. Obama wastes a lot of our nations wealth, but America should only hope he stops with money, and does not continue wasting fighting personnel life’s for his same un-American socialistic ideals.

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