Taxes on Gasoline Going Up July 1st, 2013

by Jack

We previously reported that a 3.5 cents per gallon of gas was passed and now that tax goes into effect July 1. Here’s the full story thanks to RHT.

The California State Board of Equalization (BOE) passed a new gas tax with a 3-2 vote Thursday that raises the excise tax on gasoline another 3.5 cents effective Jul. 1.

In March 2010, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed two fuel tax measures (ABX8 6 and SB 70) which adjusted the rates of the sales and excise tax on gasoline that would help close a gap and balance the budget in 2010.

“This tax swap was the only way that they could take the money from the road fund to try and balance the budget in 2010,” said George Runner, Member of the State Board of Equalization.

These two laws created a new tax structure for gasoline and mandated the BOE to adjust the state gasoline excise tax rate by Mar. 1 of each year. This rate adjustment ensures the overall state taxes consumers pay at the pump remain the same as they would have been under the prior tax structure.

The “complicated” fuel tax swap legislation was designed to be revenue neutral, ensuring overall state taxes consumers pay at the pump would remain the same as they would have been under the prior tax structure. During times of rising gasoline prices a sales tax revenue loss also rises because of the “tax swap” requiring the BOE to adjust the excise tax rate to make up for the loss and maintain the revenue neutrality as required by law.

George Runner (District 2) and Michelle Steel, (District 3) were the two BOE members that voted no.

“I cannot support a more than half a billion dollar tax increase on struggling Californians who are already experiencing significant pain at the pump,” said Runner.

The excise tax has been estimated to bring in 500 million dollars in revenue and would be used primarily to fund transportation, ie. public roads and mass transit, said Runner.

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2 Responses to Taxes on Gasoline Going Up July 1st, 2013

  1. Peggy says:

    “mass transit”

    In other words, the “fun” train from LA to Vegas so people from So. Calif. can boost the Nevada economy and return home to qualify for more Calif. assistance.

    The rich will fly, those with jobs will stay home to make sure they pay their bills, so it will be the poor hoping aboard in the hopes of hitting it big with their welfare ATM cards in hand.

  2. Bill says:

    And you can be sure they will raise the tax next year and every year after that as well since the law lets them do that.

    Well, Colliefornia (as Ahnode sez) now has the highest gas taxes in the country thanks to Ahnode and the DemoNcrats. Colliefornians pay a whopping 72 cents a gallon in tax.

    Here’s another article on this.

    Thanks, Arnie! Thanks, Demoncrats!

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