Trashed DC Mall: 50th Anniversary of MLK “Dream” Speech Commemoration

Posted by Tina

The Washington Times article indicates that thousands were in attendance for what I imagine was a kickoff event marking the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s historic speech in Washington DC. There are no photos of those in attendance but “thousands” sounds pretty low for such an important anniversary. Were there any prominent black speakers in attendance today? The reporter mentions a local official but other than that she doesn’t say. Perhaps the lack of news from this event is a reflection of the disappointment many are feeling about the first black presidency. How sad that the trash left on the mall, and in the reflecting pool, was the most attention grabbing aspect of the day for this Times reporter.

this site lists a pretty well organized week for attendees.

and I did find one image by Getty here. It looks like a resentment rally with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson featured prominently in front of the Trayvon Martin banner and posters. One person’s poster says, “JOBS NOT WAR” and another demands, “Protect Voting Rights”. (Which is exactly what Republicans intend to do!) Once again how unfortunate that such a large part of America has been made to believe that Republicans would attempt to deny them the right to vote. tells us that the President will speak on Wednesday standing on the spot where MLK made his famous speech. Better get out the grounds crew…according to the pictures in the times today the Mall isn’t ready for company. We’ll see what happens on Wednesday. I hope there is something better than a trashed mall to commemorate the day on Wednesday. So far it hasn’t been a good start.

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12 Responses to Trashed DC Mall: 50th Anniversary of MLK “Dream” Speech Commemoration

  1. Tina says:

    Peggy, a young blond boy appears to be carrying the flag too!

    Rick Moran over at PJ Tatler seems to have attended the event. I( agree with his take on the event and on MLK who would never have guessed his legacy would be so misunderstood and misrepresented.

  2. J Soden says:

    Shades of the occupy clowns! They trashed themselves by their actions and empty rhetoric.
    Have no doubt that the original Dr. King would have been ashamed.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    The trash they left behind is a pretty good indication of the kind of characters that attended.
    They are treating D.C. just like they do their public housing. It doesn’t take a sociologist to figure out that most of them are there because they think it will lead to more entitlements, otherwise they could care less. They’re just lookin for their free S – – -!

  4. Tina says:

    And speaking of Character…an American Spectator article about the 50th anniversary of the MLK speech includes this quote from the Dream Speech:

    And that is something that I must say to my people who stand on the worn threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

    A people that has made him their mentor has done little to emulate his character…sad.

    The black community is in desperate need of a strong spiritual leader.

  5. Peggy says:

    Has MLK’s Dream Come True Or Did It Turn Into A Nightmare?

    As we celebrate MLK’s “Dream Speech” this week one can only ask did the Civil Right’s Movement of the 60’s really do anything to fulfill MLK’s dream of equality, job opportunity and a color blind society? The answer according to the statistics is sadly, “No.”

    According to this government file black unemployment was 6.7% in 1968. The Pew Research Center reports it is now 13.4%, over twice what it was when MLK was alive. Could there be any better proof the Democrat’s way has failed to help provide the jobs needed to bring people of all color out of poverty and off of the government plantation?

    Jackson, Sharpton and Obama have succeeded with their hate speech and divisive actions to widen the divide and oppress the opportunities most desire. With sustained high unemployment competition against each other, not matter the color of ones skin, creates and fuels division instead of comradely and the celebration of ones individual success.

    On the graph note too the drastic increase in unemployment during the Carter term and the plunging decrease during the Reagan years.

    Civilian unemployment rate by demographic characteristic, 1968–2009:

    Black unemployment rate is consistently twice that of whites:

    “Much has changed for African-Americans since the 1963 March on Washington (which, recall, was a march for “Jobs and Freedom”), but one thing hasn’t: The unemployment rate among blacks is about double that among whites, as it has been for most of the past six decades.

    In 1954, the earliest year for which the Bureau of Labor Statistics has consistent unemployment data by race, the white rate averaged 5% and the black rate averaged 9.9%. Last month, the jobless rate among whites was 6.6%; among blacks, 12.6%. Over that time, the unemployment rate for blacks has averaged about 2.2 times that for whites.

    One common explanation, as William A. Darity Jr. of Duke University told Salon in 2011, is that blacks are “the last to be hired in a good economy, and when there’s a downturn, they’re the first to be released.” A 2010 article testing that “last hired, first fired” hypothesis against panel data from the Current Population Survey (from which the unemployment rate is derived) found considerable support for the “first fired” part but not for the “last hired” part: Blacks are in fact disproportionately likely to lose their jobs as the business cycle weakens, but the hiring side is more complex: “[E]arly in the business cycle, those blacks with a stronger attachment to the labor force (i.e., the unemployed) are the first hired. Blacks who are nonparticipants tend to be hired late in the business cycle when labor demand is particularly strong.”

    • Post Scripts says:

      I’m going with nightmare. Too many irresponsible people have been given things they did not deserve which took away their incentive to improve and it made them think they owed what they got. They were not. What we had sitting idle, being non-productive in 1960 has multiplied 3 fold along with a drop in morals, a rise in crime and more anger that divides us.

  6. Peggy says:

    JF Kennedy when a Democrat wasn’t a progressive/ liberal.

    JFK Interview on NBC’s “Huntley-Brinkley Report,” 9 September 1963: (Tax cuts at 19.42 – Must hear the end too.)

    JFK’s 1963 State of the Union: (Tax cuts at 6.0, results at 8.0)

  7. Southern Comfort says:

    Mr Jack, Im sure your correct bout’ ol’ Abe, Im sure that he would be disappointed as all git out in those folks in DC, he mightn’ even be a thinkin’ you plant a tater, you get a tater, and the only thing we got to fear is a public toilet seat

  8. Peggy says:

    Didn’t know this event even took place.

    Worth watching.
    Republican Commemoration of the March on Washington
    Aug 26, 2013

    “The Republican National Committee held a luncheon to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.”

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