Government Shut Down: Old Lady, Man Tossed FromHome ~ No Fishing Allowed

Posted by Tina

Supposedly the government shut down means that people who work for the government in a non-essential capacity will stay home and not be paid (till later) for the duration of the dispute. A shut-down occurs when our government has not adequately budgeted for the year, has run out of working capital, and representatives can’t, or won’t, come to agreement on budgetary matters. DC gets intensely political during these times…and can get pretty nasty.

Over the weekend the nasty battle took a vindictive turn. People are being forced to leave their homes at Lake Mead:

Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) — The government shutdown is being felt close to home for some locals. They say they’re being forced out of private homes on Lake Mead because they sit on federal land.

Joyce Spencer is 77-years-old and her husband Ralph is 80. They’ve been spending most of their time in the family ice cream store since going home isn’t an option.

The Spencers never expected to be forced out of their Lake Mead home, which they’ve owned since the 70s, but on Thursday, a park ranger said they had 24 hours to get out.

“I had to go to town today and buy Ralph undershirts and jeans because I forgot his pants,” Joyce Spencer told Action News.

The Stewart’s Point home sits on federal land, so even though the Spencers own their cabin outright, they’re not allowed in until the government reopens.

Park officials said property owners can visit only to retrieve belongings; they sent Action News a statement which reads in part, “Unfortunately overnight stays are not permitted until a budget is passed and the park can reopen.”

If throwing old ladies and men out of their homes isn’t despicable enough try arrogantly shutting down the ocean. Apparently our President thinks that if he shuts down fishing vacationers and working stiffs will blame the Republicans…this strategy is just ridiculous. But word has gone out from on high:

Just before the weekend, the National Park Service informed charter boat captains in Florida that the Florida Bay was “closed” due to the shutdown. Until government funding is restored, the fishing boats are prohibited from taking anglers into 1,100 square-miles of open ocean. Fishing is also prohibited at Biscayne National Park during the shutdown.

The Park Service will also have rangers on duty to police the ban… of access to an ocean. The government will probably use more personnel and spend more resources to attempt to close the ocean, than it would in its normal course of business.

An administration that tells park rangers to “make life as difficult for people as we can” has completely lost it and deserves zero respect.

Leno provides comic relief:

“This government shutdown thing is getting old. The national parks are closed, the museums are closed, federal agencies are closed. But our borders? They’re wide open, don’t worry about that.”
“China is really upset about the government shutdown. Well sure, they’ve never had one of their businesses fail before.”

“President Obama has officially cancelled his trip to Asia. He said he didn’t want to be in Indonesia not doing anything to solve the crisis, when he could be in Washington not doing anything to solve the crisis.”

“Actually, it’s the perfect time for him to go to Asia. I mean, what better time to leave Joe Biden in charge of the country than during a shutdown? He couldn’t do any more damage, right?”
“The shutdown is so bad, Nancy Pelosi may be forced to keep this face for another year. That’s how bad it is.”

Mediaite has the video.

The Washington Times piece linked above also included some comic relief, this time pointed at Harry Reid:

(If what happens in Las Vegas is supposed to stay in Las Vegas, how did Harry get out?)

I have to say it…perhaps they just wanted to be rid of him. This guy seems to think there should be no opposition.

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39 Responses to Government Shut Down: Old Lady, Man Tossed FromHome ~ No Fishing Allowed

  1. Chris says:

    The Tea Party/Ted Cruz arm of the Republican party kept insisting there wouldn’t be any real harmful effects of the shutdown. Even now FOX News is referring to it as a “slimdown.” Sensible people on both the left and the right warned the Ted Cruz wing that a shutdown would do real and lasting harm, and that threatening a shutdown over Obamacare (which has been law for over three years and has been upheld by all three branches of government) was the wrong way to achieve their goals.

    Now you’re going to blame us for the consequences we warned you about? Ridiculous.

  2. Peggy says:

    BO has gone one stop too far and pissed off the wrong people. Vets are now planning a march on DC at the WWII Memorial and other war memorials across the country.

    I wonder who our soldiers currently serving will support, the Vets or Obama?

    Million Vet March Being Organized on DC, Vets Standing Against Obama Tyranny at Memorials:

  3. Tina says:

    Yes I will blame Harry Reid, Obama, and the Democrats and supporters who back them.

    Obama’s suggested budget(s) couldn’t get the support even of fellow Democrats…not one! Reid has refused to create a budget in five years. The government is running open loop so that these Democrats in Congress don’t have to go on record before elections. This is called not doing their jobs and creating continuing crisis about which to blame Republicans. the public is growing weary of this excuse making. If they want Obamacare funded then they get to go on record saying how it can be done without breaking the bank! Where will THEY cut to fund this expensive socialist project?

    Refusing to negotiate with Republicans about the budget they passed in the HOUSE is also a failure. Democrats are asking for an open account and demanding we do it their way, period.

    Sorry Chris but that is not how our government was designed to work.

    Also the blah blah blah about the Tea Party and Ted Cruz is mostly Democrat spin through their sycophants in media. The House Republicans are not as divided as is being asserted and certainly no more divided than Democrats are. See also here and here:

    According to a Wall Street Journal story, one senior Obama official went so far as to say, “We are winning . . . it doesn’t really matter to us how long the shutdown lasts, because what matters is the end result.”

    Right now the hero of this sad episode is House Speaker John Boehner. He countered Obama by issuing a statement that he is determined to prevent a federal default.

    He then stated, “I don’t believe we should default on our debt, it’s not good for our country.” Boehner even indicated he would rely on Democratic votes in the House to pass a debt-limit increase and avoid default.

    Democrats are looking like a bunch of jerks; the people are watching.

    Ted Cruz held a telephone town hall recently with an unprecedented 104,000 people…more than twice the previous record. The people are watching that too.

  4. Tina says:

    Peggy that should be amazing to see. A lot of servicemen and women and vets are being harmed under this administration. The petty closing of war memorials was a desperate vindictive act that will come back to bite. I hope it rivals the Tea party event in DC! Wish I could go.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Chris is absolutely convinced that 1) This is a Republican owned shutdown and 2) the above absurd nonsense is actually the necessary result.

    No surprises there.

    *Eye roll*

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    NPS – National Park Service Cops: Government Shutdown Edition

  7. J. soden says:

    States license boat operators – not the Foolish Feds.

    C’mon, Florida! Are you going to let Obumble ruin a successful tourist industry in your state because of his temper tantrum?

    Scott Walker of WI told the Feds to go pound sand. . Your turn, Florida!

  8. Peggy says:

    Jack or Tina are there any war memorials around here we can show our support at since we can’t go to DC on Oct. 13th?

    I wonder what the odds are for a military coup if Obama continues on his path to undo our Constitution and rule as a dictator? His going after our Vets was probably the dumbest thing he’s done. Since he never served in our military he has no idea what the brotherhood connection is between these men and women. It’s stronger than a mama bear and her cub.

    Also heard this week Mark Levin believes Obama will circumvent the Congress to get what he wants with the budget and debt ceiling. He’s bypassed Congress so many times in the past on other issues and gotten away with it I believe he’ll try it again.

    Mark Levin warns: Obama preparing country for coup against Constitution:

    If you didn’t catch Jack Lew on the Chris Wallace show yesterday it’s a must watch just to see Wallace take Lew to the mat and having him trying to get out of bounds.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Peggy, there are only two war memorial that I am aware of and they are located in the downtown park and in the Mangrove Ave. cemetary, but I am not aware of anything being planned.

  9. Chris says:

    Pie, some of us have memories that last longer than the last FOX News segment. Republicans were CHEERING for this shutdown to happen. Not Democrats. Republicans do own this shutdown. You cannot rewrite history that happened last week.

    It’s hilarious to see Republicans blaming Obama for the closure of important services like the NIH. Now all of a sudden they looove government and recognize the importance of government funding? Unreal.

    “We have always been at war with Eastasia.”

    • Post Scripts says:

      You can’t have it both ways Chris, you can’t dennounce the republicans for cheering while you are laughing because you find it so hilarious. You are so typical of the far left now and you don’t even see it do you?

      Chris… here’s a news flash, we the people are just plain sick of seeing our country turn away from our founder’s idealism under Obama’s leadership.

      We take no joy in seeing liberals constantly mocking us, our history, putting down our nations heros and basically calling everything we’ve ever believed in or stood for… a joke. Well, guess what? We won’t let this country flounder without a fight. This is what you are seeing in Congress right now, God bless em!

  10. Peggy says:

    OK, here is your chance to support our past troops aka: Vets by signing their petition and going to a war memorial this Sunday Oct. 13th.

  11. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #10 Chris.

    I don’t get Fox news you stupid little ignorant jerk. Republicans cheering? That wasn’t for the shut down you stupid little ignorant jerk. Some registered Republicans (not Republican politicians) cheered because they believe it will be the vehicle to focus on the tremendous flaws in Obamacare, you stupid little ignorant jerk. At least an equal number did not cheer because they think it is bad politics and they will not be able to beat the MSM-DamnRatic Party cabal in the blame game, you stupid little ignorant jerk.

    We will see if your anal-ysis bears out, you stupid little ignorant jerk. I fear it will because the cabal of the MSM and the DamnRatic party is a hard combination to beat, you stupid little ignorant Pacifica suck up jerk.

  12. Pie Guevara says:

    Addendum to #14: Forcing people out of their private homes was completely unnecessary, absurd, and a cruel bald faced political manuever on the part of the Administration and thier serfs in the Departments under their control.

    What this demonstrates is that the arrogance and callousness of the malicious narcissist currently occupying the #Spitehouse has no end to depth.

  13. Pie Guevara says:

    Addendum to 15:

    Make that last sentence (directed at #10 Chris) What this demonstrates is that the arrogance and callousness of the malicious narcissist currently occupying the #Spitehouse and this stupid little ignorant jerk who laughs about people being thrown out of their homes by Obama and his lackeys has no end to depth.

  14. Jay says:

    Notice how most of the federal employees, park guards and local law enforcement types are all claiming they hate it, but they are just doing their jobs. Just like the camp guards in Germany. They were just doing their jobs.
    This shows you how easy it is for a tyrant to get away with crimes against citizens. Those that could stand up and say no to an unlawful act just shrug and go along with it. Just doing their jobs they say.

  15. Pie Guevara says:

    Chris’ amusing juvenile “Fox News” slam “Pie, some of us have memories that last longer than the last FOX News segment” inspired me to check the Fox News website where I found this interesting bit of “shutdown” lunacy courtesy of the DamnRatic Party —

    Dem rep tries to block oil and gas exploration during partial shutdown —

  16. Pie Guevara says:

    Here is another Fox News story Chris can get a giggle over —

    Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani girl shot by Taliban, under new death threat

  17. Princess says:

    War memorials in the downtown park? Darn, I won’t be able to go since I avoid that scumbag campground at all costs.

    I wish our park was federally run, I would LOVE to see barricades put up around that place and someone paid to keep the rifraff out.

  18. Pie Guevara says:

    Here is yet another Fox News story Chris can jeer and snigger at me for bothering to read —

  19. Pie Guevara says:

    OH WAIT! CORRECTION! I often DO watch “Fox News Sunday” hosted by Chris Wallace. Pretty good reporting, interviews with politicians and others on current events, and adept political analysis. (Beats the living crap out of “Democracy Now!”, the television and radio propaganda arm of Pacifica.)

    Juan Williams was fired by National Public Radio after making appearances on the FNS political analysis panel. Chris should try and get a job at NPR, he would fit in nicely as a left wing propaganda stooge.

  20. Pete says:

    So, if I’ve got this correct, the affordable care act was passed and signed into law. This law can be changed, as seen fit, by drafting new legislation and having the new law passed by both houses of Congress and then signed by the President. But a minority of house Republicans doesn’t want to go down this road of making laws so they are holding our government budget hostage to change a law they don’t like. This tactic doesn’t sound very democratic to me. It seems rather dictatorial and childish. It is very clear that now all laws passed by our government are subject to this budget blocking action. I find myself wondering how the Republicans would react if a minority of Democrats blocked our federal budget by demanding that gun laws be changed. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t want the laws of our country changed in this very undemocratic manner.

  21. Chris says:

    There’s no reason to reply to Pie’s comments other than to say it’s kind of funny how you can almost see the exact moment he found his thesaurus.

    Jack: “You can’t have it both ways Chris, you can’t dennounce the republicans for cheering while you are laughing because you find it so hilarious. You are so typical of the far left now and you don’t even see it do you?”

    I shouldn’t have used the word “hilarious,” as you’re right, this is a serious matter. But you have to admit it is at least highly ironic that conservatives are now clutching their pearls about how mean Obama is for shutting down government-funded services. The other day Ted Cruz and Rush Limbaugh were bemoaning the effects of the shutdown on the NIH. So now those two are in favor of government-funded healthcare?! It’s not me who is trying to have it both ways.

    But if Obama planned this whole thing to trick Republicans into supporting government-funded healthcare, then he’s an even more devious bastard than you all thought.

  22. Libby says:

    Geez. I think it was very gracious of our government to let the lake dwellers keep title to their cabins when the lake became a national park. They could have been condemned and torn down, you know.

    But, the rules is the rules. You don’t like it, call your congressperson. (Positively the point of the maneuver, if you were wondering.)

  23. Pie Guevara says:

    Ooooooh! Chris gets in another juvenile dig! (But he left out the hated Fox News.) It doesn’t change anything. He still remains the slij he has always been.

  24. Chris says:

    Pete, you got it. Please stick around.

  25. Tina says:

    Pete I want to thank you for taking the time to post your comments…and respectfully disagree.

    Battles over budgets and the debt ceiling are not new to American politics:

    Legal Insurection:

    …“we didn’t default on our debt” after the 1995 shutdown battle between Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich. “And the result was balanced budgets — and some of the greatest fiscal responsibility we have seen in modern times from Congress — because fiscal conservatives stood together and said, ‘We need to be responsible.’”

    NY Magazine:

    … in March of 2006, under President George W. Bush, when Democrats were in the senate minority, then-senator Barack Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling. So did every single one of his Democratic colleagues.

    (Now, of course, he says he regrets his no vote.)

    Also there are a few points that make this battle particularly significant and important to the American people:

    1. A case is being made that the ACA (Obamacare) originated in the Senate rather than the House. All spending bills must originate in the House according to the Constitution. .The Supreme Court will likely hear the case

    2. Obamacare was written and passed behind closed doors with democrats bribing democrats to get enough votes to pass it in the Senate. 39 Democrats voted against the bill in the House. It did not recdeive a single Republican vote.

    3. The law has been changed, rewritten, several times by the President. This is not how law gets written and passed in America.

    4. The law has been disputed by religious organizations, unions, and the public at large for what is seen as broken promises made before the bill passed, an assault on union bargaining practices and working conditions, and an affront on the freedom of religious conscience.

    5.In one poll a record 77% of voters want the law scrapped or at least delayed. 49% wanted the mandate killed…it won’t work if young people don’t sign up and pay for insurance.

    So there are a number of reasons for the Republicans to demand negotiations with Harry Reid’s Senate. The people are behind this battle and Democrats would be wise to at least agree to a years delay.

    Pete you must be fairly young. Democrats wrote the book on how to play hard ball in politics.

    By the way…we live in a Republic. The Republicans doing battle were sent to Washington by Americans just like Harry Reid and the Democrats were. They are there to represent their constituents.

  26. Tina says:

    Chris do you also find it hilarious that Obama kept his golf course and Camp David open while blocking the human trials for cancer patient treatments?

    Do you think the overt vindictive nature of Obama’s petty strategy, like that stupid move to close the ocean is funny…a demonstration of good leadership?

    The President is being an a**…he’s the one who looks like a child…an adolescent that won’t play unless he gets his way.

    Harry Reid is the dark underbelly of Democrat Party radicals.

  27. Chris says:

    Tina: “Do you think the overt vindictive nature of Obama’s petty strategy, like that stupid move to close the ocean is funny…”

    I don’t think that, because that never happened. See, I don’t get angry over things that never happened. It’s quite nice!

    I will have to wait for further fact-checking about the golf course and Camp David, but you do know that there are certain functions that aren’t funded by annual appropriations bills and thus aren’t affected by the gov’t shutdown, right? It’s not like the President has the power to just selectively choose what gets funded and what doesn’t.

    “an assault on union bargaining practices and working conditions”

    Oh, so you care about union bargaining practices now, do you? And you don’t see the irony? First you whine about cuts to government-funded healthcare–which is exactly why your party shut down the gov’t in the first dang place–and now you’re complaining that Obamacare is too harsh on unions, your *mortal nemeses?* Any other Marxist gimmes Obama is threatening to get rid of, Comrade?

    I mean, it’s been said that Republicans would come out against water if Obama was in favor of it, but this really takes the cake.

  28. Chris says:

    From the National Review:

    “Air Force captain Lindy Singleton, chief of public affairs for the Eleventh Wing, explained that the course remains open because it’s financed via user fees.”

    Well, there you have it: the free market at work. Isn’t this what you all wanted? Don’t rich people have the right to pay for what they want? Why should they give up their hard-earned luxuries so that others can suck from the teat of government?

    You own this shutdown. If you are suddenly realizing that the results suck, don’t say you weren’t warned. This is where your ideology has led you. This is its triumph.

  29. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #23 Pete:

    Pete gets it only partially right. I shall try correct some of his errors.

    I am sure you know that two branches of government, Executive and Legislative, are involved in the law making process (discounting judicial activism). A majority (not minority) of House Republicans voted to present a budget bill with an attachment to the Democratic Party controlled Senate.

    Senate Democrats and Obama refused to discuss and negotiate the bill and it was sent back to the Republican controlled House for the next cycle that includes the debt limit decision deadline. This is not a “dictatorial and childish” hostage situation as you and Chris contend in your political rhetoric, it is a political gambit.

    Moreover it is a political gambit with a long history. There are many instances of issues of law which have been tied to budget/debt legislative process and were subsequently negotiated.

    What IS dictatorial and childish the unprecedented refusal of a president (and Senate) to negotiate the budget/debt process.

    In a possible future scenario I would enthusiastically invite a Democrat controlled House to attack Constitutional 2nd Amendment rights by attaching them to the budget/debt process and present that to a Republican controlled Senate and executive branch.

  30. Tina says:

    Chris: “I don’t think that, because that never happened”

    Of course it happened. People’s businesses and vacations have been disrupted so as to inflict the most pain. This is exactly what the mean spirited, always partisan, my way or the highway President wanted.

    “It’s not like the President has the power to just selectively choose what gets funded…”

    Sure…that’s why he ordered the barriers and guards at the open air war memorials…because he can’t pick and choose, even when its FREE, what people are allowed to do. The war memorial is an open air memorial. It belongs to the people. It requires no staff, electricity, ticket takers and the like. This stunt is just pure vindictiveness and nothing more.

    The man has no integrity and he certainly has not been a leader of the people, which is what he promised he was about…just ask the left:

    Huffington Post:

    When Obama campaigned in 2008, he promised a politics much different from what Americans were accustomed to. In February 2008 he said:

    We know it takes more than one night — or even one election — to overcome decades of money and the influence; bitter partisanship and petty bickering that’s shut you out, let you down and told you to settle. We know our road will not be easy. But we also know that at this moment the cynics can no longer say our hope is false.

    Obama’s “hope and change” message was about fundamentally changing the political process: less partisanship, bickering and gridlock.

    And less corporatism and secrecy! HAH!

    The President is very selective in deciding which Americans can assemble in DC and which he will not allow to do so.

    The President will allow the Rally for Citizenship on the Mall this week, also an open air event. No barricades will close off the Mall…when it suits him politically, he can move mountains.

    Make all the snide comments you want Chris, he just looks like a low life instead of a leader…a low life, petty, juvenile community organizer.

    I own the shut down proudly, by the way, and wouldn’t run from it even if BRIBED!

    The President also owns it as does Harry Reid.

    The responsibility of government in America rests on us all…if you weren’t such a child you would know that.

    And don’t be counting those chickens before they’re hatched Chris…we have a ways to go before you claim victory in this mess. The President should get the credit either way, as presidents before him always have, for his incredibly bad leadership if nothing else.

  31. Peggy says:

    Here’s more proof we have a liar in Chief.

    Here is every previous government shutdown, why they happened and how they ended:

    “Since the modern congressional budgeting process took effect in 1976, there have been a total of seventeen separate government shutdowns (or “spending gaps” in Hill jargon). Given that we appear to be headed for another one imminently, let’s look back at those experiences, the political circumstances around them and what happened as a consequence. Most of the specifics were drawn from The Washington Post print archives, which you can access for a modest sum here.

    It’s also important to note that not all shutdowns are created equal. Before some 1980 and 1981 opinions issued by then-Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti, a failure to fund some part of the government didn’t necessarily mean that that part of government would stop functioning. Civiletti’s opinions interpreted the Antideficiency Act, a law passed in 1884, as meaning that a failure to pass new spending bills required government functioning to shut down in whole or in part. So the “shutdowns” listed below that happened between 1976 tand 1979 did not always entail an actual stop to government functioning; they were often simply funding gaps that didn’t have any real-world effect.”


  32. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #33 Tina: Chris is working overtime in the snot and snide department (that stinger is dull.) not simply because it is in he nature but because he is afraid. Very afraid.

    He is afraid that the past may not portend the future.

    I am afraid too. I am afraid that the cabal of the Main Stream Media and the Democratic Party will hand Republicans their hats on a platter.

    We will see. At least it is invigorating and exciting. It is really shaking up the entrenched career deadwood on the hill. Hooray Ted Cruz!

  33. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #33 Tina: Chris is working overtime in the offices of Snot, Snide, and Strut not simply because it is in his nature but because he is afraid. Very afraid. He is afraid that the past may not portend the future.

    I am afraid too. I am afraid that the cabal of the Main Stream Media and the Democratic Party will hand Republicans their hats on a platter.

    We will see. At least it is invigorating and exciting. It is really shaking up the entrenched career deadwood on the hill. Hooray Ted Cruz!

  34. Chris says:

    Tina: “Of course it happened.”

    No, Obama never tried to “close the ocean.” Did you read the link?

    “Sure…that’s why he ordered the barriers and guards at the open air war memorials…”

    Do you have any freaking evidence that Obama is the one who “ordered” this?

    “The war memorial is an open air memorial. It belongs to the people.”


    “I own the shut down proudly, by the way, and wouldn’t run from it even if BRIBED!

    The President also owns it as does Harry Reid.”

    OK, your position on the shutdown has gone beyond cognitive dissonance, and officially reached MPD levels. To paraphrase:

    “The patriotic Republicans are responsible for this wonderful shutdown of which I am proud of!”

    “The low-life president is responsible for this horrible shutdown which is forcing people out of their homes and spitting on veterans!”

    Which is it?

  35. Chris says:

    Pie Guevara: “A majority (not minority) of House Republicans voted to present a budget bill with an attachment to the Democratic Party controlled Senate.

    Senate Democrats and Obama refused to discuss and negotiate the bill…”

    That’s incorrect. Senate Democrats did negotiate the bill and accepted spending limits far below what they wanted.

    The Republicans offered NOTHING in return for this concession. Just as they offered nothing in return for defunding, delaying or altering the ACA.

  36. Peggy says:

    Vets kept out of WWII Memorial and every park in the US closed, but immigration reform supporters allowed to hold rally. What happened to “equal justice?”

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