Riley the Dog Treats the Sick and Infirm

by Jack

goldenR569Meet Riley the Dog. He’s a Golden Retriever and he’s just what the doctor ordered, so to speak. Yep, for people suffering from depression, anxiety, inactivity, high blood pressure or just boredom, Riley has been proven to be an effective treatment!

Riley is owned by my daughter who works mostly with the disabled and aging in rehab and senior care facilities in the North State. She often takes him into these places at the request of the Nursing Staff or the Directors. Riley is as good or better than most medications when it comes to lifting spirits and healing broken hearts. Riley seems to know instinctively what his job is too, because once inside a care-home or rehab hospital, he starts making the rounds, with my daughter in tow. No patient that needs a dose of Riley’s love is left out.

He’s become so popular at places, he’s been invited to spend the entire day seeing his patients while his owner tends to her own patients.

It all started when my daughter inquired if she could bring Riley to a nursing home to visit with an elderly man who had no family or visitors. Of course the DN said okay. Well, Riley worked wonders! The old man’s appetite improved and so did his cognitive skills. This went on for months and then one day Riley arrived for his regular visit and the man’s bed was empty. We’re confident Riley made his last days much easier and happier. However, by this time he had also developed a regular following of disabled and seniors who loved to see Riley show up. It’s been like that at every facility where my daughter works.

Riley the Dog – he’s making a difference and the best part his services are free!

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4 Responses to Riley the Dog Treats the Sick and Infirm

  1. Harriet says:

    Great story. Riley made me smile just to see his picture. What a beautiful animal. 🙂

  2. Harold says:

    YES, this breed will put a smile on anyones face, we had one named “Sprinkles” that was with us for 16 years, 16 great years. Best damn dog I ever had and we miss her. A person will go through a lot of dogs in their life time, every once in a while a Sprinkles or Riley comes along. Great story, great service Riley is doing and a big Thanks to your daughter for what she does as well.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Thanks Harold, I will pass along your comments. My daughter works for NPH and travels a lot, often working long shifts at hospitals caring for the most helpless and ill people among us. It’s a hard job, but Riley makes her days a little easier when he can go with her. He loves everybody…and it seems everybody loves him back. He’s really made a difference to so many people dealing with their final days. I wish Goldens like Riley could be a regular part of the care facilities, I know they would make people feel better and thats a good first step.

  3. Peggy says:

    Back in the ’70-80s I had a doctor who would take his little poodle to the hospital when he did rounds. He’d leave her with a patient or two and gather her up when he was ready to leave.

    I take my dog to the dog park all the time. Last weekend he had a ball playing with a 6 month old white retriever that was already 4 times bigger than my little guy. But, he was so sweet and so gentle. I’d never seen a white one before.

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