Trucker Protest Compromised

Posted by Tina

A report in The Atlantic Wire provides an explanation for the charge that the truckers protest in DC was instigated by a lunatic woman with crazy ideas:

Not all trucker protesters like Truckers Ride for the Constitution group, or the woman who’s become the face of it, Zeeda Andrews. “She pretty much has destroyed things,” said Chris Hemmer, who told The Atlantic Wire that his group originally pitched the idea for the protest. Hemmer, of the National Gun Association and the Truckers To Shut Down America Facebook page, said that Andrews, the main media contact for Truckers Ride for the Constitution (formerly also known as Truckers to Shut Down America), is “out there,” and not doing the movement any favors. A 18-wheeled movement that was meant to protest fuel prices has been turned into one protesting President Obama, the government shutdown, and a number of conspiracy theories.

This may explain the low turnout…could be America’s truckers didn’t want to be associated with Zeeda Andrews.

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12 Responses to Trucker Protest Compromised

  1. Peggy says:

    There may not have been thousands, but those that did show up were dedicated. Hear the interview with “The General” on Fox’s Greta V. show. Worth the time.

    Here is a video from today. Ride along from the front seat with horns blasting.

  2. Peggy says:

    The other video didn’t copy over. Try this one. It’s even better.

  3. Libby says:

    My goodness. I found independent confirmation.

    30 truckers. 30.

    That’s sad … or not. Maybe the rank and file are coming to realize what all this “Tea Party” horsepucky is really worth, really accomplishing … really … nothing.

  4. Peggy says:

    Check out the number of protesters today, police in riot gear and on horseback with zip locks. They even blocked the trucks.

    ‘We Are Marching to the White House’: ‘Million Vet March’ Descends on Washington, Barricades Torn Down:

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    And now for something completely different.

    In the real world, bunnies fly —

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Completely off subject. If you are of a mind to, please give a shout out for Disabled Americans for Firearms Rights. Self defense is a human right.

  7. Peggy says:

    Must watch, info. on what really took place in DC today!

  8. Peggy says:

    Video from FB didn’t copy over, but I found it on YouTube.

    Here are some more videos. Yup, folks they were there even though the media didn’t cover it.

    Will post more when they become available.

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    Thanks Peggy!

    Again completely off subject, you gotta love those basso profundos —

  10. Peggy says:

    #10 – Thanks for the great memory Pie.

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